January 1865: Saturday Evening Concerts – Mdlle. Vaneri and Miss Helen Kirk, Among Others

An article on page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 31st of January, 1865, reads:


SATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS. – The attendance at the concert on Saturday evening

was such as to completely fill the City Hall. The chief attraction was, of course, the appearance

of Mdlle. Vaneri, who has now been singing in the same place for some weeks back, and who,

on each successive appearance, seems to rise in public estimation. Mdlle. Vaneri is equally

successful in the rendering of tender and plaintive airs as in those spirit-stirring strains which

breath forth love of country or hatred of oppression. Her singing of the ‘Marseillaise,’ in which

her dramatic power is displayed to great advantage, elicited on Saturday night a vociferous

encore. The other artistes were Miss Helen Kirk, who was well received; Miss Kate Gordon, a

clever pianiste; Mr. Stembridge Ray, Mr. Grattan Kelly, and Mr. Robert Fraser, comic. As usual,

Mr. Lambeth and Mr. Colgan presided efficiently at the organ and piano-forte respectively.”



George Fairfull-Smith, August 2022.