The Fine Arts in Glasgow

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The Fine Arts

The history of support for the fine arts in Glasgow is rich and varied. From architects and artists, to pioneering art collectors and patrons, the wealth of information about individual and collective achievements is immense. There have been many pioneering…

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The Foulis Academy’s Famous Pupils: James Tassie (1735-99)

  Portrait of James Tassie, by David Allan. Reproduced courtesy of the National Galleries of Scotland.   James Tassie was born in 1735 in Pollokshaws,  which was, at the time, a village to the south of Glasgow but now is…

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The Foulis Academy

David Allan, The Interior of the Foulis Academy of Fine Arts, c. 1761.   In October 1753, The Glasgow Courant carried an advertisement for the opening, on the 3rd of December, of 'A School for the Art of Designing' ...…

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David Hamilton (1768-1843): Architect and “Father of Architecture in the West of Scotland”

David Hamilton was born on the 11th of May 1768, the son of a stonemason. He trained as a builder/stonemason, and had some contact with the Adam family of architects, whose buildings in Glasgow included the old Royal Infirmary, Trades'…

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Joseph Swan (1796-1872): Engraver and Publisher

  Joseph Swan served his apprenticeship with Joseph Beugo, the Edinburgh engraver, and worked with other firms in the Scottish capital before he set up on his own in Glasgow in 1818. He took over the Engraving and Copperplate business…

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William Simpson: The “Clyde-built” artist

  In the Introductory text to Glasgow in the Forties, William Simpson wrote that he had "often been asked, and that too in very far away parts of the world, as to where I was born. My answer at times…

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Charles Heath Wilson (1809-82)

Portrait of Charles Heath Wilson, by John Watson Gordon, reproduced courtesy of Glasgow Museums.   Charles Heath Wilson was one of the most important individuals in Glasgow's cultural history. In 2000, he was the subject of a major exhibition, 'Charles…

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‘Pioneers and Patrons’: An Exhibition which Commemorated the Bicentenary of the University of Strathclyde in 1996

         Front cover of the Pioneers and Patrons booklet, 1996.   In 1996, Glasgow's Collins Gallery was the venue for the exhibition Pioneers and Patrons, part of the University of Strathclyde's celebrations to mark the bicentenary of…

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John Strang’s comments about David Hamilton, the architect, in “Glasgow and its Clubs”, 1856

Writing about the Western Club on Buchanan Street, in Glasgow, Strang added, in a footnote on page 567:   "The late Mr. David Hamilton. Perhaps no one has contributed more to the architectural adornment of Glasgow than that gifted and…

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The ‘Hanging Stairs’ in Glasgow

It is due to writers, such as James Denholm, Frank Worsdall, Elizabeth Meldrum and Jack House, alongside artists and illustrators, including Geoffrey Squire, that we can still appreciate what once were must-see features of public and residential buildings in Glasgow.…

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The Foulis Academy’s Famous Pupils: David Allan (1744-96), “The Scottish Hogarth”

David Allan, Self Portrait, Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture, Edinburgh.   David Allan was born in Alloa, and began his studies at the Foulis Academy when he was eleven years old. He left in 1762. Allan became a…

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Alexander Gordon (1765-1849)

James Tassie's portrait of Alexander Gordon, reproduced courtesy of the National Galleries of Scotland.   Alexander Gordon was one of Glasgow's most important art collectors. The son of a wealthy West India merchant, he became a partner in his father's…

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The Munich Glass of Glasgow Cathedral


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Illustration of a Panorama building in Glasgow. Panoramas, along with Dioramas, were among the most popular forms of entertainment in the nineteenth century.   For further information about the history of panoramas in Glasgow in the late 18th and early…

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A European vision – Robert Adam’s Glasgow

Portrait of Robert Adam, by James Tassie   1992 was the 200th anniversary of the death of Robert Adam, one of Scotland's greatest architects. To commemorate this, Latitudes Ltd, an international design consortium based in Glasgow, mounted an exhibition at…

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John Anderson (1726-96) and The Foulis Academy’s Pupils

Above, is the portrait of John Anderson, by James Tassie. It is known that he had his portrait painted by two pupils of the Foulis Academy: David Allan and William Cochrane. [caption id="attachment_563" align="alignnone" width="242"] William Cochrane, Professor John Anderson,…

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John Mair of Plantation: Art Patron and Collector of Works by the Foulis Academy’s Graduates

'Plantation', photographed by Thomas Annan for The Old Country Houses of the Old Glasgow Gentry, 1878.   Thomas Annan's photograph shows the Plantation mansion, with the wings and offices which had been added by John Mair (died 1824). Paisley-born Mair…

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Peter Wright M. D. (1740?-1819)

Miniature portrait of Peter Wright, by an unknown artist. Reproduced courtesy of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.   Peter Wright was admitted to the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons in 1766, and was its President five…

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“The Burns’ Cabinet”, 1817

On the 1st of February 1817, The Glasgow Courier notified its readers, on page 3, that "lovers of Poetry and Painting" would be gratified to know that Mr. A. Cochran, jeweller, had opened an apartment above his shop on the…

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James Howe (1780-1836): Painter of Animals, People and Panoramas

Alexander D. Cameron's book about James Howe has the most appropriate title: The Man who Loved to Draw Horses. Published in 1986, it presents a fascinating study of the artist who was born in the village of Skirling, in Peebleshire.…

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William Buchanan W.S. (1777-1864)

William Buchanan is one of the most important figures in the history of art dealing, speculating, and collecting, and was a member of one of Glasgow's leading families. His parents were John Buchanan of Ardoch  (1733-89) and Helen Graham, and…

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Basil Skinner: ‘A Scottish Catalyst: The Paintings of David Allan’, “Country Life”, 19th August 1965

In the introduction to his 1965 Country Life magazine article, Basil Skinner comments: "TO label David Allan with such epithets as 'the Scottish Hogarth' or 'the Scottish Zoffany,' is completely to misunderstand his contribution to the development of painting in Scotland. Allan…

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Glasgow: The “greatest Victorian city in the world”

In Pavement in the Sun, 1967, page 189, Jack House provides an account of John Betjeman's impression of Glasgow. The visitor: "was so entranced by Victorian Glasgow. 'The headquarters of the Victorian Society shouldn't be in London,' he said. 'They…

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Frank Worsdall: Spreull’s Land

In his book, The Tenement: A Way of Life, 1979, Frank Worsdall comments: "The most important New Town tenement to survive until recent times was Spreull's Land, No 182 Trongate, which was built in 1784." page 72. He then includes…

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Andor Gomme and David Walker: Spreull’s Land

In Architecture of Glasgow, 1968 edition, page 53, Andor Gomme and David Walker commented: "No civic building of anything like the grandeur of the Tontine Hotel survives from eighteenth-century Glasgow. Trongate itself, battered and shoddy as it now looks, still…

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Where ‘Picture’ Gordon once looked down: Charles Oakley, ‘Dear Old Glasgow Town’, 1975

In his 1975 publication, Dear Old Glasgow Town, Charles Oakley refers to one of Glasgow's most important, but often overlooked, art collectors. Under the heading 'Where 'Picture' Gordon once looked down, Oakley wrote: "One of the desirable plots laid out…

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‘Missionary of art’ rescued from obscurity

           This headline to this entry is taken from an article published in The Herald on Friday 1st of September, 2000. It was to promote a conference being held in Glasgow on Saturday 2nd September 2000,…

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Glasgow Illustrated: Exhibition and Publication, 1999


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James Smith (1808-63) architect and art collector

James Smith - not to be confused with his seventeenth to eighteenth-century namesake (c. 1645-1731), who pioneered the Palladian style in Scotland, or James Smith of Jordanhill, the 'amateur architect' - was born in Alloa in 1808, and moved to…

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When Govan was likened to Stratford-upon-Avon

'View of Govan from the East',  drawn by Andrew Donaldson, and engraved by Joseph Swan for Select Views on the River Clyde. "This very pretty little village stands on the Clyde, about two miles below Glasgow. … Govan has been…

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Panoramas: The Bombardment of Algiers – Abolition of Christian Slavery, 1820

An advertisement for the historical peristrephic panorama of the Bombardment of Algiers, in the Glasgow Herald, 19th of June 1820, page 3, is headed "Abolition of Christian Slavery." The entertainment was painted on upwards of 8000 square feet of canvas,…

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Gavin Hamilton (1723-98) and the ‘Warwick Vase’

                                                 Portrait of Gavin Hamilton, by Archibald Skirving                  …

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Who Subscribed to Joseph Swan’s Publications?

It is fortunate that Joseph Swan advertised in such a way, that so much information is available. He also produced prospectuses for the different series of views he engraved, such as Glasgow, the River Clyde and the Lakes of Scotland.…

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Artists in Residence: West Regent Street

In the nineteenth century, a large number of Glasgow's artists had addresses, where they lived, or had their studios, on West Regent Street.   The 1875-76 Post Office Directory has, under 'Artists', on page 631: Alex. Davidson at No. 65…

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The Glasgow Dilettanti Society

  The Glasgow Dilettanti Society was founded in 1825, "to improve the taste for,  and advance the knowledge of the Fine Arts", and membership was limited to "Painters, Sculptors, Architects, Engravers and Etchers, or men possessing taste and critical knowledge…

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The Foulis Exhibition at the Examination Hall, University of Glasgow, 1913

The Foulis Exhibition was held at the University of Glasgow, in 1913, and was organised by the Glasgow Bibliographical Society. It ran from the 12th to the 26th of April. An account of the opening ceremony was published, along with…

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‘Theatre Royal, Dunlop Street’, watercolour by David Small

David Small (1846-1927) was a prolific artist, working in watercolour, and the Mitchell Library has a large collection of his views of buildings, streetscapes, and views in and around Glasgow. Small also produced illustrations for major publications such as Sketches…

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George Square’s Statues: Sir John Moore, July 1819

From the Glasgow Herald, Friday 23rd July 1819, page 2: "We understand there is every reason to expect that Sir John Moore's statue will be erected on the south side of George's Square, looking down Miller Street, the spot pointed…

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James Denholm discusses David Hamilton and the Theatre Royal, Queen Street

Façade of the Theatre Royal, Queen Street. Drawn by James Denholm, engraved by Robert Scott. A year before the new theatre opened, James Denholm included his drawing of the Queen Street front of the new building in The History of…

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1990s Proposal for a ‘Robert Adam-Gianbattista Piranesi Monument’ at Glasgow Cross

In his regular 'Stamp Album' feature page in the Saturday issue of The Herald, Gavin Stamp's contribution on the 27th of November, 1993, page 13, concerns a proposal to erect a Robert Adam-Gianbattista Piranesi monument on the raised plinth, on…

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Joseph Swan’s ‘Views on the River Clyde’: Comments in ‘The Edinburgh Literary Journal’, 1829

A short notice in The Edinburgh Literary Journal; or, Weekly Register of Criticism and Belles Lettres, No. 51, Saturday October 31st 1829, page 312, comments: "We have seen the first twelve Parts of this work, which is a cheap and…

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The Grand Historical Panorama of the Storming of Seringapatam, November 1810

The Grand Historical Panorama of the Storming of Seringapatam (by the British Troops and their Allies), by Sir Robert Ker Porter (1777-1842) was  in Glasgow in 1810. An advertisement in the Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 2nd of November, page…

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Andrew Henderson (1783-1835)

    Andrew Henderson, Self-portrait, oil. Reproduced courtesy of the University of Strathclyde. Andrew Henderson was born in Cleish, the son of the gardener to William Adam of Blair Adam. He spent some time in London, where he studied art,…

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Joseph Swan’s ‘Select Views of Glasgow and Its Environs’: George Square

This view of George Square from the south-east corner, was drawn by John Fleming and engraved by Joseph Swan. In the text, it is called "George's Square", and John Leighton describes the buildings on the four sides:   "The interior…

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Mr. Donaldson: Winter Classes in Drawing and Painting, August 1827

On page 3 of the Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 24th August, Andrew Donaldson placed an advertisement to announce his Winter Classes in Drawing and Painting would commence on the 27th of the Month. His address was the Ingram Buildings.…

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Engraved Portrait of George Birkbeck, 1827

An advertisement on page three of the Herald, on Friday 2nd of March 1827, informs readers that Messrs. Knight and Lacey had just published a "Fine Portrait" of George Birkbeck, Esq., M.D., F.G.S., M.A.S., President of the London Mechanics' Institution,…

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The Foulis Exhibition at the Mitchell Library, Glasgow, 2001

  Flyer produced to accompany the exhibition. In 2000, I proposed researching material relating to the history of Glasgow's pioneering Foulis Academy, and approached Enda Ryan and David Freckleton, at the Mitchell Library. I had collaborated with them, and other…

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James Tassie’s Gems

James Tassie is described as "the most prolific collector and merchant of impressions of classical gems of the eighteenth century, providing sets and selections of impressions in a variety of materials. His collection is the most comprehensive of its day",…

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Miss Thompson’s painting, ‘Balaclava (after the charge)’, at McClure’s Picture Gallery, 1877

  Miss Elizabeth Thompson, Balaclava, 1876, oil on canvas, Manchester Art Gallery. The painting measures 103.4 (height) by 187.5 (width) cm.   Miss Elizabeth Thompson's painting was on display in James McClure and Son's Picture Gallery, 14 Gordon Street. Admission…

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“Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Journal”, May 1958, pages 257-9: ‘Glasgow Buildings – Spreull’s Land’

"The graceful, hanging staircase in Spreull's Land, 182 Trongate, Glasgow, was built in 1784, and people still come from far and near to see it. 'No such tenement as Spreull's Land had ever been erected in Trongate - or, for…

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“The Scottish Field”, February 1942, page 40: ‘Unknown Glasgow — No. 49 Spreull’s Court, Trongate’

"The wide close at 182 Trongate which leads into this interesting relic of Old Glasgow has now been closed to the public, but admittance was readily granted by the proprietors of the old-established firm of Messrs Millers, Drawing Materials Ltd.…

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Colin Clark ‘In Search of Buchanan’, “Scottish Art Review”, Volume XI, No. 4, 1968

  Titian, Bacchus and Ariadne, The National Gallery, London. In 1968, the National Gallery in London was in the process of having Titian's celebrated painting, Bacchus and Ariadne, cleaned. In his article for the Scottish Art Review, Colin Clark commented…

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William Buchanan’s Obituary in ‘The Art Journal’, 1864

William Buchanan died in January 1864. He had been staying with his brother Thomas, whose house was located at 3 Jane Street, Blythswood Square, Glasgow. The street is now the continuation of West George Street across the Square.   Among…

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William Buchanan: Speculator or Dealer?

In his 2017 book, Rogues' Gallery: A History of a Art and its Dealers, pages 41 to 42, Philip Hook devotes a chapter, titled 'The Art of Speculation: William Buchanan', to the Dalmarnock-born man. He comments:   "William Buchanan was…

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Panoramas in Glasgow

Panoramas were among the most popular forms of entertainment in the 19th century, and Glasgow was a favourite destination for these travelling works of art which were painted on vast expanses of canvas, and made to look as realistic as…

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Robert McTear and the Royal Exchange Sale Rooms, April 1874

On Tuesday the 14th of April, on page four of The Glasgow Herald, readers were informed:   "ROYAL EXCHANGE SALE ROOMS. Quite a crowd of picture fanciers and lovers of the antique, in the form of articles of household use…

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“Novelty in Photography”: Glasgow Photographic Association Meeting, November 1864

From The Glasgow Herald, Thursday 24th of November 1864, page two:   "NOVELTY IN PHOTOGRAPHY. - At a recent meeting of the Glasgow Photographic Association, there were exhibited specimens of a new style of cartes de visite, patented by Messrs.…

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Sam Bough’s ‘Grand Moving Panorama, Representing the Queen’s Visit to Glasgow’, at the Prince’s Theatre-Royal, December 1849

In an advertisement, on page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 24th of December, 1849, Mr. Edmund Glover, the manager of the Prince's Theatre-Royal, which was located on West Nile Street and Buchanan Street, announced that a "NEW…

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“The Royal Landing”, a Coloured Lithograph by Currie, McKay and Kirkwood, Ingram Street, December 1849

In an advertisement, headed "The Royal Landing", which is on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 14th of December, 1849, Currie, McKay and Kirkwood, a firm of lithographers and engravers, announced that:   "From the very flattering…

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Mr. Bernard’s Daguerreotypes, April 1847

On Monday the 26th of April 1847, The Glasgow Herald informed its readers, on page two:   "Mr. Bernard's Daguerreotypes. - We have had the pleasure of seeing several of the daguerreotypes taken by Mr. Bernard; a young American artist,…

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Francois-Auguste Biard’s “The Slave Trade”, Exhibited at John Finlay’s Gallery, 49 Buchanan Street, November 1844

In November 1844, John Finlay informed the public that he had "Mr. BIARD'S Celebrated picture of a SCENE ON THE COAST OF AFRICA. lately beautifully engraved by Mr. Wagstaff." Advertisements, such as one on page three of The Glasgow Herald,…

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Photographic Portraits, Mr. Bernard, Recently of Paris, April 1847

An advertisement on page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 2nd of April, 1847, reads:   "PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS. MR. BERNARD, RECENTLY OF PARIS, Begs respectfully to inform the Nobility and Gentry of Glasgow, that he has taken the…

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Egyptian Halls, Union Street, November 1873

From page four of The Glasgow Herald, Monday the 3rd of November, 1873:   "EGYPTIAN HALLS. - We understand the Egyptian Halls, a building in Union Street, forming a particularly bold specimen of the Egypto-Greek style of architecture, has been…

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Daguerreotype Portraits: Mr. Pickering, Andersonian University, June 1844

On page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 28th of June, 1844:   "Daguerreotype Portraits. -  We have seen some very beautiful and faithfully executed Daguerreotype portraits, which have been taken by Mr. Pickering, at his rooms in…

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George Grosvenor Thomas R.S.W. exhibits his pictures in his West Regent Street Studio, April 1897

In a notice headed "Picture Exhibitions", on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 16th of April, the paper commented that:   "Mr Grosvenor Thomas is showing in his studio at 2 West Regent Street a number of…

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Exhibition of Pictures by Robert Cree Crawford, at the Institute of Fine Arts, McLellan Galleries, October 1907

The exhibition of pictures by Robert Cree Crawford (1842-1924) was advertised in The Glasgow Herald. The advert on page eight of the paper, on Monday the 7th of October, 1907, is positioned below one informing readers that an exhibition of…

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45 Pictures by the Late Bessie MacNicol (1869-1904), at Craibe Angus and Son’s, 106 Hope Street, Glasgow, March 1905

  [caption id="attachment_1404" align="alignnone" width="148"] Bessie MacNicol, Deborah, 1904, oil on canvas, reproduced courtesy of Glasgow Museums.[/caption]     On Tuesday the 14th of March, 1905, The Glasgow Herald has a notice, on page six, which is headed and reads:…

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Miss Kate W. Thomson opens “A Handicraft Exhibition” at 137 West Regent Street, Glasgow, November 1907

On Friday the 20th of November 1907, The Glasgow Herald informed its readers, on page 12, that Miss Kate W. Thomson had opened "an interesting exhibition of work in brass, copper, silver, and enamel" at 137 West Regent Street, in…

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Glasgow Architectural Association, Lecture by Alexander Thomson, Esq., architect, of A. and G. Thomson, April 1863

A short notice on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 4th of May, 1863, reads:   "GLASGOW ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATION. On Thursday evening last a lecture was delivered to the members of the association by Alexander Thomson, Esq.,…

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Re-opening of the Maryhill Free Church, September 1859

On page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 16th of September 1859, the paper reported recent developments at the Maryhill Free Church:   "RE-OPENING OF THE MARYHILL FREE CHURCH. - This church, after undergoing various important repairs, will…

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Department of Science and Art, Glasgow School of Art, 1859

On page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 16th of September, 1859, under the heading "DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND ART. GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART," there is a "LIST of PARISH and other SCHOOL TEACHERS, of PUPIL TEACHERS, STUDENTS…

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Glasgow Exhibit for the Paris Exhibition, 1889: Clutha Glass

On page eight of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 15th of April 1889, the following:   "GLASGOW EXHIBIT FOR THE PARIS EXHIBITION. - An exhibit of 'Clutha' art glass has been prepared for the Glasgow Exhibition by Messrs James…

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Govan: The John Elder Memorial, April 1889

On page nine of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 15th of April 1889:   "GOVAN. - THE JOHN ELDER MEMORIAL. - The Executive Committee of the John Elder Memorial were on Friday night entertained by Mrs Elder in Buchanan's…

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The Ups and Downs of Working Freelance: Being Told to Write Text for the “Lowest Common Denominator”

When I was researching information for the 1996 Pioneers and Patrons exhibition, I had numerous meetings with Laura Hamilton, who was the Curator of the Collins Gallery, at the University of Strathclyde. As time progressed, I began to realise that…

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The Ups and Downs of Working Freelance: Dealing with Denis Mahon

In 1997, I thought I should contact Denis Mahon, "the distinguished art historian", in relation to my research into Alexander Gordon's collection. It contained a number of paintings by 17th-century Italian artists who were of particular interest to Mahon. Of…

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Auction Sale of Italian Sculpture, at Hutchison and Dixon, 14 Virginia Street, on Wednesday the 16th and Thursday the 17th of March, 1859

A short notice and an advertisement in The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 16th of March 1859, provide useful information on what decorative could be purchased for wealthy and fashionable households in the city and its environs.   On page…

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Lodgings in West End Park for Sale, on the 16th of March, 1859

Two self-contained lodgings, "recently erected in Park Street East, Kelvingrove Park, immediately adjoining Park Circus" were "exposed for Sale, by Public Roup, within the Faculty Hall, St. George's Place, Glasgow," on Wednesday the 16th of March, 1859, at "One o'clock…

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In 1993, Denis Mahon said: “Scotland does not have … a Salvator Rosa.” It seems he was unaware that Glasgow Museums had owned two very fine examples of Rosa’s work since the 1950s.

On Wednesday the 24th of March 1993, an article by Clare Henry, on page 15 of The Herald, examines Denis Mahon's frustration at the way his proposed bequest of paintings to the nation was being handled. Discussing the works he…

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The Western Infirmary Extension, Meeting at Fairfield Shipyard, March 1903

On page eight of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 9th of March 1903, is the following:   "WESTERN INFIRMARY EXTENSION. - MEETING AT FAIRFIELD. - A meeting of Fairfield shipyard employees was held at noon on Saturday to consider…

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Technical College Craftsmen’s Society Meeting, March 1903

On page eight of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 9th of March, 1903, the paper reported:   "TECHNICAL COLLEGE CRAFTSMEN'S SOCIETY. - At the usual meeting of this society held on Friday night - Mr C Ernest Monro, architect,…

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The Artists’ Fancy Dress Ball, St. Andrew’s Halls, Glasgow, December 1896

From page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 18th of November, 1896:   "THE ARTISTS' FANCY DRESS BALL. - The arrangements for the Fancy Dress Ball, to be held in St Andrew's Halls on 4th December in aid…

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The Denovan Adam Pictures – Purchase of “Balmoral” by the Corporation, December 1896

[caption id="attachment_1728" align="alignnone" width="300"] Joseph Denovan Adam, Balmoral, Autumn, oil on canvas. Reproduced courtesy of Glasgow Museums.[/caption]   A short notice on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 15th of December, 1896, informed readers that Balmoral, the…

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The Templeton Art Club Exhibition, Glasgow, November 1923

On page nine of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 28th of November 1923, readers were informed that:   "A small but very successful exhibition of art has just been held in the eastern district of Glasgow. It was organised…

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Public Sale of a Charming Collection of Pictures by, and the Property of, J. J. Bannatyne, R.S.W., at Walter J. Buchanan, 72 Renfield Street, Glasgow, April 1898

A short notice on page  six of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 4th of April, 1898, informed readers about an auction of pictures, on Tuesday the 5th, at Walter J. Buchanan's Renfield Street gallery. The artist was John James…

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Members of the “Glasgow Art Brotherhood”, at the Pittsburgh International Fine-Art Exhibition, 1898

On page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the eighth of November, 1898, under the heading "Fine Arts", readers were informed that:   "At the Pittsburgh International Fine-Art Exhibition Alexander Roche has received a third medal and $500 for…

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Exhibition of Oil and Watercolour Sketches, by Mr. Thomson Laing, a Young Glasgow Artist, at the Gallery of Messrs. John Orr & Co., Wellington Street, Glasgow, November 1890

On page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 25th of November, 1890, is the following short note:   "EXHIBITION OF SKETCHES. - Messrs John Orr & Co. have on view, in their gallery in Wellington Street, a series…

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Sale by Auction of Works by George Grosvenor Thomas, at Walter J. Buchanan’s Renfield Street Rooms, on Tuesday the 8th of February, 1898

On Monday the 7th of February, 1898, The Glasgow Herald informed its readers, on page six, about an auction sale of paintings which was scheduled to take place the following day. The notice reads:   "Mr Walter J. Buchanan will…

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Alexander Roche’s “Peggy” is Purchased by the International Jury of the Carnegie Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, U.S.A, 1898

On page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 7th of February, 1898, readers were informed: FINE ARTS.- The international jury of the Carnegie Art Gallery, Pittsburg [sic], have purchased for their permanent collection Alex. Roche's picture 'Peggy,' which…

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November 1898: Art in the New Tea-Room, in the Polytechnic Warehouse Extension

From page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 9th of November, 1898:   "POLYTECHNIC WAREHOUSE EXTENSION. - The Polytechnic Warehouse, in Argyll Street, has been extended by the addition of two flats and basement to the west of…

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International Photographic Exhibition to be held in Glasgow, in September 1891

On page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 17th of April, 1891, readers were informed that:   "It has been arranged to hold an International Photographic Exhibition in the Institute of the Fine Arts during the month of…

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Sandyford Murder Case: Plans of the House in which the Murder was Committed, Lithographed by Messrs. Maclure and Macdonald, September 1862

On page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 24th of September 1862, is the following:   "SANDYFORD MURDER CASE - PLANS OF THE HOUSE IN WHICH THE MURDER WAS COMMITTED. - We were shown yesterday a sheet containing…

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Portrait of the Rev. Dr. Leishman of Govan, by John Graham Gilbert, Esq., November 1859

From page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 14t of November, 1859:   "PORTRAIT OF THE REV. DR. LEISHMAN OF GOVAN, BY JOHN GRAHAM GILBERT, ESQ. - On Thursday last, a number of ladies and gentlemen, members of…

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The Glasgow Architectural Society: Committee to be Appointed to Examine and Report upon the Stained Glass Recently Fitted up in the Great West Window of Glasgow Cathedral, March 1860

On page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 6th of March, 1860, is the following:   "THE GLASGOW ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY.   "An extraordinary meeting of the society was held last night in the Scottish Exhibition Rooms, Bath Street,…

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Fine Art Volunteer Rifle Corps, March 1860

A 'Public Notice' published on the front page of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 6th of March, 1860 reads:   "FINE ART VOLUNTEER RIFLE CORPS. "This corps, composed of those connected with Art and Art Manufacture, MEETS for DRILL…

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The St. George’s Art School, 147 St. George’s Road, Glasgow, Managed by Mr. Robert Brydall, September 1881

From page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 16th of September, 1881:   "THE ST GEORGE'S ART SCHOOL.- To the existing private educational establishments in Glasgow there is now added an academy for the study of drawing and…

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Monsieur Edouart, Silhouettiste of the French Royal Family, Patronized by His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, at 149 Queen Street, Glasgow, in November 1831

An advertisement on page three of the Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 7th of November, 1831, reads:   "Patronized by his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester. MONSIEUR EDOUART, SILHOUETTIST OF THE FRENCH ROYAL FAMILY, No. 149, QUEEN STREET, REspectfully…

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The Swaneveltine Style of Painting: Mr. and Mrs. Cruickshank, to Give Instructions in Glasgow, in December 1833

An advertisement on page two of the Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 2nd of December, 1833, reads:   "THE SWANEVELTINE STYLE OF PAINTING, (NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME INTRODUCED.) MR. & MRS. CRUICKSHANK, from BRUNSWICK SQUARE, LONDON, and GEORGE STREET,…

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Mechanical and Architectural Drawing Academy, Mr. Fisher of Deanston Works, October 1832

An advertisement on page three of the Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 22nd of October, 1832, reads:   "MECHANICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING ACADEMY. MR. FISHER, from DEANSTON WORKS, Successor to the late MR. JAMES WATT, Architect in Glasgow, will open…

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Donations to the Andersonian Museum in 1831: A Painting by Professor Gilfillan, and Drawings presented by Mr. D. B. Stark

A short article on page two of the Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 2nd of January, 1832, informed readers about the Andersonian Soirée which was held on the 27th of December, 1831. The paper reported that: "Several donations received since…

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A Lost, Forgotten, or Overlooked, Mansion designed by David Hamilton, at Brougham Terrace, Situated at the North End of St. George’s Road, is for sale in August 1883

For the present, not much is known about this property which, according to an advertisement, on page two of the Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 19th of April, 1833, was located at the "North End of St. George's Road". There…

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Mr. Hamilton’s Monument, May 1844

From page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 13th of May, 1844:   "MR. HAMILTON'S MONUMENT. THE Gentlemen who have Subscription Lists for the Monument to be erected  to the Memory of the late DAVID HAMILTON, Esq., Architect,…

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John Finlay, 49 Buchanan Street, May 1844: A New Selection of German and French Engravings and Lithographs, and a Collection of French Designs

From page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 13th of May, 1844:   "JOHN FINLAY, CARVER, GILDER, AND PRINTSELLER, 49, Buchanan Street, BEGS to announce that he has just received a Selection of the Newest GERMAN and FRENCH…

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Private View of the Original Portrait of the Reverend Thomas Chalmers, by Thomas Duncan, at McClure, Printseller, 6 Royal Bank Place, May 1844


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The Progress of Decorative Art – Lodge St. Mark, February 1856

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 27th of February, 1856, reads:   "THE PROGRESS OF DECORATIVE ART - LODGE ST. MARK.   In the lectures and instructions which for many years have formed part…

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Drawing and Painting Classes, with Mr. Jastemski, 15 Rose Place, Hill Street, Glasgow, October 1849

An advertisement on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 1st of October, 1849, reads:   "DRAWING AND PAINTING. MR. JASTEMSKI, a Pupil of Sir William Allan and Delaroche intends to give Instructions in CHALK and PENCIL DRAWING,…

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Oak Furniture for Glasgow Cathedral’s Chapter House, September 1869

A short notice on page four of The Glasgow Daily Herald, on Tuesday the 7th of September, 1869, reads:   "GLASGOW CATHEDRAL.—We had an opportunity recently of inspecting several articles of oak furniture in the warehouse of Messrs Robert Whyte…

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Three Oil Paintings at the Queen’s Park Free Church Bazaar, March 1873

A short notice on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 31st of March, 1873, reads:   "QUEEN'S PARK FREE CHURCH BAZAAR.—This bazaar, which closed on Saturday evening, was largely patronised during the day, and especially in the…

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Edwards’ Panorama of America, Albion Hall, College Street, April 1876

A notice on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 21st of April, reads:   "EDWARDS' PANORAMA OF AMERICA.—There is at present being exhibited in the Albion Hall, College Street, a beautiful panorama of life and scenes in…

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Mr. Ruskin and Glasgow’s “Hideous Houses”

A short notice on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 10th of January, 1882, reads:   "MR RUSKIN AND GLASGOW.—Mr Moncure D. Conway, in a letter to a Cincinnati paper, says : 'Some little time ago, when…

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Monument to the Late Sir Robert Peel, December 1855

A short notice on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 14th of December, 1855, reads:   "Monument to the late Sir Robert Peel.—Yesterday, a meeting of the committee appointed to carry out the above testimonial was held…

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Glasgow School of Art and Haldane Academy, December 1879: Professor Legros

A short article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 11th of December, 1879, reads:   GLASGOW HALDANE ACADEMY. - An artistic lesson of a practical and highly interesting character was given to the lady students of…

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Opening of Eglinton Street Congregational Church, March 1866

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 6th of August, 1866, provides an account of the new church, constructed for the Rev. David Russell's congregation.   Opened on Sunday the 5th of August, the building…

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Paintings by a Pugilist, on Sale at Robert McTear’s, St Mary’s Hall, Renfield Street, March 1866

  Jem Ward (1800-84), circa 1825.   A short article on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 7th of March, 1866, informs readers about an interesting sale:   "PAINTINGS BY A PUGILIST. - Mr. Robert McTear (of…

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Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts and the Industrial Schools, March 1865

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Saturday the 25th of March, 1865, reads:   "GLASGOW INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS. - Through the kindness of the committee of management of the Institute of the Fine Arts, the inmates of…

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Tollcross Scientific Association, January 1865: Lecture on Photography, by John Stuart

A short article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 25th of January, 1865, reads:   "TOLLCROSS SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION. - On Monday evening last, John Stuart, Esq., Glasgow, delivered a lecture in Fullarton School Room, on "Photography."…

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Glasgow Photographic Association: Ordinary Monthly Meeting, in the Andersonian University, on Thursday the 2nd of February, 1865

A short article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 3rd of February, 1865, reads:   "GLASGOW PHOTOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION. - The ordinary monthly meeting of the Glasgow Photographic Association was held last night in the Andersonian University…

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Albion Street Hall, October 1858

On Monday the 31st of October, 1858, The Glasgow Herald published an article from the Courier newspaper, on page seven. It reads:   "Albion Street Hall. - We observe that Albion Street Hall, adjoining the City Hall, has just been…

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Glasgow Photographic Association’s Soiree in the Merchants’ Hall, on Monday the 28th of January, 1867

An article on page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 29th of January, 1867, reads:   "PHOTOGRAPHERS' SOIREE. - Last night the annual soiree under the auspices of the Glasgow Photographic Association took place in the Merchants' Hall,…

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Glasgow Architectural Association, November 1851

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 3rd of November, 1851, reads:   "Glasgow Architectural Association. - We learn that this Association of the architectural draughtsmen and professional pupils in the city, has been favoured…

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Portrait of Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe, Published by Mr Morison Kyle, of Glasgow. March 1853

An article on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 14th of March, 1853, reads:   "Portrait of Mrs. Beecher Stowe. - We have seen a very creditable portrait of the eminent authoress of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin,' which…

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Monument to the Late Sir Robert Peel, December 1855

A short article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 28th of December, 1855, reads:   "Monument to the Late Sir Robert Peel. - Yesterday at noon, a meeting of the committee appointed to carry out the…

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Golf and Curling Exhibits at Glasgow Exhibition, February 1901

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 26th of February, 1901, reads:   "GOLF AND CURLING RELICS AT GLASGOW EXHIBITION. - The Rev. John Kerr, the manse, Dirleton, Haddington, who is in charge of the…

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The St Andrew’s Halls, August 1898: Redecoration

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 1st of September, 1898, reads:   "THE ST ANDREW'S HALLS. - The opening concert in connection with the Corporation Musical Recitals takes place in St Andrew's Hall on…

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Daguerreotype Portraits, Andersonian University, George Street, June 1844: E. J. Pickering, from Monsieur Claudet of the Royal Adelaide Gallery, London

On page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 17th of June, 1844, is an advertisement informing readers that:   "E. J. PICKERING, from Monsieur CLAUDET, of the Royal Adelaide Gallery, London, begs respectfully to inform the Nobility and…

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Daguerreotype Portraits at the Andersonian, December 1844: Mr Pickering Extends His Stay in Glasgow

An article on page four of The Glasgow Citizen, on Saturday the 26th of october, 1844, reads:   "DAGUERREOTYPE PORTRAITS. - From the success which has attended Mr. Pickering's labours since he arrived in this city, we understand that he…

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Daguerreotype Portraits at the Andersonian, November 1844: Mr Pickering’s Work

In a short notice on page four of The Glasgow Citizen, on Saturday the 23rd of November, 1844, readers were informed that Mr Pickering, "the celebrated artist from the Adelaide Gallery, London," was:   "still pursuing this interesting process at…

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The Andersonian Museum and Mr Pickering’s Studio, Next-Door: Glasgow Fair Holiday, July 1844

On Saturday the 13th of July, 1844, The Glasgow Citizen referred to E. J. Pickering, in a short notice, on page two, about activites during the Glasgow Fair holidays:   "THE ANDERSONIAN INSTITUTION, &c. - The Andersonian Museum is open…

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The Wealth of a City: Volume Two


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January 1900: The Kelvinside Academy and the Paris Exhibition

A short article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 16th of January, 1900, reads:   "THE KELVINSIDE ACADEMY AND THE PARIS EXHIBITION. - The designs sent up by the art department of this school for exhibition…

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New Municipal Buildings in Govan, April 1901: Sculptured Portraits of Provost Kirkwood and Bailie Marr, by Mr Macfarlane Shannon

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 30th of April, 1901, reads:   "GOVAN MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS. - In connection with the new Municipal Buildings at Govan, sculptured portraits of Provost Kirkwood and Bailie Marr were…

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Glasgow School of Art, October 1901: a Lecture by Mr P. Macgregor Chalmers, F.S.A.

Peter MacGregor (also spelt Macgregor) Chalmers (1859-1922). Please see the Dictionary of Scottish Architects, for further information.   A short article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 22nd of October, 1901, reads:   "GLASGOW SCHOOL…

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November 1887: Opening of the St Mungo Art Society Exhibition

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 7th of November, 1887, reads:   "ST MUNGO ART SOCIETY. - The annual exhibition in connection with the St Mungo Art Society opens to-day. With one or two…

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April 1898: Glasgow Municipal Buildings – Decorating of the Banqueting Hall

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 20th of April, 1898, reads:   "GLASGOW MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS. - DECORATING OF THE BANQUETING HALL. - The Municipal Buildings Committee met yesterday to consider the appointment of artists…

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Dean of Guild Court, December 1856: Mr. Bell Granted Permission to Erect a Range of Buildings Opposite to Kelvingrove Park

A short article on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 22nd of December, 1856, reads:   "Dean of Guild Court. - In addition to other buildings sanctioned by this court, as mentioned in Friday's Herald, permission was…

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April 1914: Corporation Galleries – Loan Exhibition of Etchings and Engravings

A short article on page ten of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 22nd of April, 1914, reads:   "CORPORATION ART GALLERIES.   The Corporation of Glasgow have arranged a loan exhibition of etchings and engravings in the Kelvingrove Galleries…

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May 1914: Mr Gilbert A. Ramsay Recommended and Appointed Superintendent of the Art Galleries and Museums

An article on page eight of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 13th of May, 1914, reports:   "GLASGOW ART GALLERIES. SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDED. A special meeting of the Glasgow Corporation Sub-Committee on Art Galleries and Museums was held yesterday -…

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Kelvingrove Art Gallery, September 1912: D. Y. Cameron’s “Cir Mhor”

A short notice on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 17th of September, 1912, reads:   "KELVINGROVE ART GALLERY, GLASGOW. The powerfully painted picture of mountain scenery 'Cir Mohr' recently purchased by the Corporation from Mr D.…

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Let’s Not Forget: Options for a National Gallery of Scotland in Glasgow

This is one of several publications produced in connection with the proposals to establish a National Gallery of Scotland in Glasgow, in the 1990s.                    

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Let’s Not Forget: A National Gallery of Scottish Art – The Case for Glasgow

This one of several publications, produced in the 1990s.    

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February 1933: Glasgow Art Teacher – Death of Miss D. Carleton Smyth

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 16th of February, 1933, reads:   "GLASGOW ART TEACHER   DEATH OF MISS D. CARLETON SMYTH   The death of Miss Dorothy Carleton Smyth, which occurred suddenly at…

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November 1921: Mr Hornel’s Paintings of Japan

An article on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 15th of November, 1921, reads:   "MR HORNEL'S PAINTINGS OF JAPAN   Mr E. A. Hornel has recently returned from an extended tour of Japan and Burma, and…

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March 1879: Mr David Murray’s Latest Picture

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 11th of March, 1879, reads:   "MR DAVID MURRAY'S LATEST PICTURE. -    This artist has completed the most important picture he has yet painted, if judged by…

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The Golden Age of Glasgow’s Art Trade: 1856 – John and Richard Edmiston Have Commenced Business as Auctioneers

An advertisement on the front page of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 8th of September, 1856, reads:   "J. & R. EDMISTON, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS. JOHN EDMISTON (Late with Messrs. Hutchison & Dixon, Auctioneers), and RICHARD EDMISTON (Late with…

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January 1902: Honour to Glasgow Artist – Mr William Kennedy

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 22nd of January, 1902, reads:   "HONOUR TO GLASGOW ARTIST.- Mr William Kennedy, a Glasgow artist, has been awarded a gold medal in connection with the Dresden International…

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December 1914: The Belgian Relief Fund – Exhibition of Pictures by R. Gemmell Hutchison, R.S.A., at George Davidson, Limited, Galleries, 123 Sauchiehall Street

An advertisement on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 11th of December, 1914, informed readers that by desire of the artist, R. Gemmell Hutchison, it  had been agreed to hand over ten per cent of the gross…

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January 1891: Glasgow Art Club – Proposed New Art Galleries at Kelvingrove

A short article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 7th of January, 1891, reads:   "GLASGOW ART CLUB. - A large and representative meeting of the members of the club was held in the club-house in…

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October 1883: Christ Before Pilate – M. Michael Munkacsy CHECK SPELLING

  An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 5th of October, 1883. Mihály Munkácsy (20 February 1844 – 1 May 1900) see wiki, ad on page four on 5th. see am dram at Maryhill on…

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April 1858: A Boucher and Cousland Villa, in the Italian or Villa Rustica Style, for Sale in Dowanhill

An advertisement on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 30th of April, 1858, reads:   "VILLA AT DOWANHILL FOR SALE. TO BE SOLD,   AN Elegant and Commodious VILLA, built in the Italian or Villa Rustica style,…

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March 1883: Poole’s Panorama of “The World”, at Newsome’s Circus, Ingram Street

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 28th of March, 1883, reads:   "POOLE'S  PANORAMA OF 'THE WORLD,' - The interest which has been aroused in Messrs Poole's panorama of 'The World' continues, and last…

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December 1882: Presentation of Portrait to Miss Beatrice Clugston

A notice on the front page of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 11th of December, 1882, informed readers that a meeting of subscribers and friends would be held in the Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts, 175 Sauchiehall Street, on…

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June 1924: Socialist Art in Glasgow

An article on page nine of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 30th of June, 1924, reads:   "SOCIALIST ART IN GLASGOW   During the week-end the Scottish Socialist Art Circle held an exhibition in Glasgow of water- colour paintings,…

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April 1889: Glasgow Manufactures for the Paris Exhibition – Wylie and Lochhead – an “English Firm”

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 3rd of April, 1889, reads:   "GLASGOW MANUFACTURES FOR THE PARIS EXHIBITION. - Messrs Wylie and Lochhead dispatch to-day an important exhibit of wall paper for the Paris…

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War Memorials: Woodside Secondary School, May 1922

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 8th of May, 1922, reads:   "WAR MEMORIALS   WOODSIDE SECONDARY SCHOOL   A war memorial erected in honour of ex-pupils of Woodside Secondary School, Glasgow, was unveiled…

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April 1892: Fine-Arts – Messrs Van Baerle Brothers, Hope Street – Works by Miss Lily Blatherwick, R.S.W.

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 4th of April, 1892, reads:   "FINE-ARTS. - Messrs Van Baerle Brothers, Hope Street, are at present showing a small collection of pictures and water-colour drawings by Miss…

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April 1858: Elizabethan-Style Villa for Sale in Dowanhill

An advertisement on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 30th of April, 1858, reads:   "BY ADJOURNMENT.   VILLA AT DOWANHILL FOR SALE.   UPSET PRICE REDUCED TO £2500.   To be Sold, by Public Roup, within…

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Stuart Park (1862-1933): Exhibitions in Glasgow

[caption id="attachment_13267" align="alignnone" width="240"] Stuart Park, Orchids, oil on canvas, reproduced courtesy of Glasgow Museums.[/caption]     In Scottish Painting: 1837 To The Present, on page 102 in the 2010 edition, William Hardie commented:   "Park was a genuinely individual…

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April 1902: Mr Stuart Park’s Flower Pictures, in the Renfield Street Gallery of Messrs Craibe Angus and Son

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 9th of April, 1902, reads:   MR STUART PARK'S FLOWER PICTURES.— There is now on view, in the Renfield Street gallery of Messrs Craibe Angus & Son, a…

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March 1934: “The Art of the Book” – Exhibition by the Glasgow Society of Lady Artists, 5 Blythswood Square

An article on page seven of The Scotsman, on Tuesday the 13th of March, 1934, reads:   "Glasgow and West   THE ART OF THE BOOK The wide variety of work which artists execute on behalf of publishing firms is…

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March 1934: Stuart Park Memorial Exhibition, in the McClure Galleries, 130 Wellington Street

An article on page seven of The Scotsman, on Tuesday the 13th of March, 1934, reads:   "Glasgow and West   STUART PARK MEMORIAL  EXHIBITION Art lovers are indebted to the organisers of the Memorial Exhibition of the late Mr…

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December 1917: Painting Auctioned in Aid of the Funds of the Limbless Sailors and Soldiers’ Hospital, Erskine

A short article on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 6th of December, 1917, reads:   "A picture entitled 'A Day in June, Glenfalloch,' presented by Mr A. Brownlie Docharty to the Glasgow Fishmongers' Company, was sold…

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1911: Restaurant Louis XVI, in John Anderson’s Royal Polytechnic Warehouse, Argyle Street

One of the most fashionable venues in a Glasgow retail warehouse, or department store, was the tastefully-decorated Restaurant in John Anderson's Royal Polytechnic Warehouse, on Argyle Street. It opened in 1911.   This rare undated postcard records one view of…

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August 1911: A New City Restaurant – The Restaurant Louis XVI

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 24th of August, 1911, reads:   "A NEW CITY RESTAURANT.   The city of Glasgow, justly famed for its restaurants and tea-rooms, has not witnessed the same development…

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Scottish Artists’ Benevolent Fund, December 1903: “A Masque of the City Arms”, by Glasgow School of Art Students

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 11th of December, 1903, reads:   "SCOTTISH ARTISTS' BENEVOLENT FUND. - Instead of the ordinary Christmas ball,  the students of the Glasgow School of Art have arranged, with…

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February 1928: Poster Exhibition in the Lady Artists’ Club, 5 Blythswood Square

An article on page eleven of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 9th of February, 1928, reads:   "POSTER EXHIBITION IN GLASGOW   One of the features of modern advertising is the greater use which is being made of artistic…

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The Ups and Downs of Working Freelance: Always Be Aware That Unscrupulous Colleagues Do Poach Other People’s Work

In 1994, during my Ph.D. oral examination, Hamish Miles (1925-2017), the external examiner, asked me why I only had made a brief reference to Archibald McLellan, whose Old Masters and modern paintings, along with specially-built galleries on Sauchiehall Street, were…

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March 1926: Art in Glasgow – Sculptures by Mr Benno Schotz

An article on page thirteen of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 26th of March, 1926, reads:   "ART IN GLASGOW SCULPTURES BY MR BENNO SCHOTZ   For some years past the sculptures of Mr Benno Schotz have attracted much…

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The Golden Age of Glasgow’s Art Trade: October 1926 – Business Jubilee – Presentation to a Glasgow Auctioneer – Mr David Dick

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 15th of October, 1926, reads:   "BUSINESS JUBILEE PRESENTATION TO A GLASGOW AUCTIONEER   On the occasion of the attainment of his jubilee in business, Mr David Dick,…

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March 1950: Art Exhibition at Largs – Work of “New Scots Group”

An article on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 20th of March, 1950, reads:   "ART EXHIBITION AT LARGS   Work of 'New Scots Group'   Four Scottish artists and a sculptor are holding a fortnight's exhibition…

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February 1911: D. Y. Cameron Etchings – James Connell and Sons’ Purchases from the Parsons Collection, Which Was Sold at Christie’s, in London, on Tuesday the 7th

An advertisement on page eight of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 8th of February, 1911, informed readers that James Connell and Sons were displaying the D. Y. Cameron etchings which they had purchased at the Parsons sale, held at…

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February 1911: D. Y. Cameron Etchings at George Davidson Ltd., 123 Sauchiehall Street

An advertisement on page eight of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 8th of February, 1911, reads:   "D. Y. CAMERON ETCHINGS.   A LARGE SELECTION (including BELGIAN, LONDON and PARIS SETS) of the Important American Collection dispersed in Christie's…

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November 1909: Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women, Glasgow – Grand Fancy Ball – Photographic Studio Under the Direction of “Lafayette”

An advertisement on the front page of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 4th of November, 1909, informed readers that the Photographic Studio at the Grand Fancy Ball, which was to be held on Friday the 12th in St Andrew's…

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The Ups and Down of Working Freelance: Malice at The Mound – 1

For a considerable period of time, I have given a great deal of thought as to whether or not I should share my experience of the malevolent behaviour of Helen Smailes, one of the curators at the National Gallery of…

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The Ups and Downs of Working Freelance: Malice at the Mound – 2 – The Glasgow Dilettanti Cast Collection Transcript

When I was researching material for the Pioneers and Patrons exhibition, in the early 1990s, I was delighted to have the opportunity to work through the Glasgow Dilettanti Society records in the Archives Department at the University of Strathclyde. What…

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“The Burrell Collection Shouldn’t be in Glasgow” – Geoff Stansfield, Department of Museum Studies, University of Leicester, 1979/80

I was one of two graduates of the University of Glasgow, who moved to Leicester to attend the 1979-80 post-graduate museum studies course. We had been in the same Archaeology class at Glasgow, and were the only two Scots among…

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The Ups and Downs of Working Freelance: Malice at The Mound – 3 – Revelations

I can remember the 'phone call, as if I had received it today. A colleague, and friend, who was based in Edinburgh, contacted me to let me know that Helen Smailes had been making malicious, inappropriate, and unsubstantiated comments about…

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The Ups and Downs of Working Freelance: Malice at The Mound – 4 – True or False? – Truth or Lies?

One of the most interesting and revealing aspects of my appeal to Helen Smailes to explain the comments she made, is that she went to great lengths to avoid discussing the most important issues.   She chose to focus solely…

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December 1922: Painter-Etchers – New Society Formed in Glasgow

An article on page eleven of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 13th of December, 1922, reads:   "PAINTER-ETCHERS NEW SOCIETY FORMED IN GLASGOW   The announcement that a Glasgow Society of Painter-Etchers has been formed will be received with…

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September 1890: Lafayette’s Photographic Studios (Daylight and Electric) Open on Monday the 15th

On Thursday the 11th of September, 1890, one of the Public Notices on the front page of The Glasgow Herald informed readers that Mon. Lafayette's Photographic Studios (Daylight and Electric) would open on Monday the 15th. He was, by Royal…

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The Golden Age of Sauchiehall Street: March 1910 – Drawings at Annan’s Gallery, 518 Sauchiehall Street

The opening paragraph of an article on page ten of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 11th of March, 1910, reads:   "The latest display in the gallery of Messrs T. and R. Annan and Sons (who have a reputation…

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The Golden Age of Sauchiehall Street: January 1914 – “A Palatial List” – the Opening of The Picture Salon

An article on page 233 (listed as page 51, in The British Newspaper Archive) of The Bioscope, on Thursday the 15th of January, 1914, reads:   "A PALATIAL LIST   A large number of splendidly designed picture houses opened during…

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The Golden Age of Sauchiehall Street: July 1951 – “Under Ten Pounds” Exhibition at T. and R. Annan’s Gallery, 518 Sauchiehall Street

An article by the paper's Art Critic, on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 10th of July, 1951, reads:   " 'UNDER TEN POUNDS' EXHIBITION   The belief that nobody buys pictures in July continues to be…

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“The Herald”, October 2022: Past and Present – 25 Years Ago – Plan for a New Gallery of Scottish Art in Glasgow

An interesting section in The Herald newspaper is "Past and present", which includes topics from its (The Glasgow Herald's) archives dating from 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years ago.   On Friday the 7th of October, 2022, on page…

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March 1999: The McLellan Galleries, Sauchiehall Street – A Third Plan to House a National Art Gallery in Glasgow

In 1999, those of us who had a keen interest in the history of the McLellan Galleries, as well as their future, might have had our hopes raised by an article on page seven of The Herald, on Monday the…

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An Editorial Diary, November 1936: “Omission Made Good” (Maurice Greiffenhagen 1862-1931)

'AN EDITORIAL DIARY', on page ten of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 19th of November, 1936, includes:   "Omission Made Good   In a notice of that exhibition [works by Greiffenhagen at Glasgow School of Art, and referred to…

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An Editorial Diary, November 1936: “A Greiffenhagen for Glasgow”

'AN EDITORIAL DIARY', on page ten of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 19th of November, 1936, includes:   "A Greiffenhagen for Glasgow   Patrons of art in Glasgow and elsewhere will be gratified to learn that the Corporation has…

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An Editorial Diary, July 1949: “Persian Carpet” – the Trinitarias Carpet, Acquired by Messrs Templeton, in Glasgow

'AN EDITORIAL DIARY', on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 12th of July, 1949, includes:   "PERSIAN CARPET   In their half-yearly review published in the July issue of 'The Templetonian,' Messrs Templeton, the carpet manufacturers refer…

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March 1945: Cultural Interest in Glasgow – New Association – First General Meeting of the Glasgow Art Gallery and Museums Association

An article on page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 19th of March, 1945, reads:   "CULTURAL INTEREST IN GLASGOW New Association   A membership of 1200 was intimated by Councillor Alexander Burnett (president) at the first general…

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An Editorial Diary, December 1945: “The Art Review” (The Glasgow Art Gallery and Museums Association Review)

"AN EDITORIAL DIARY, on page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 24th of December, 1945, includes:   " 'THE ART REVIEW'   STRICTLY speaking, the full title of the new publication issued to-day at half a crown is…

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September 1890: New Photographic Studios in Glasgow – Mons. Lafayette, at 15 Gordon Street

An article on page three of the Paisley and Renfrewshire Gazette, and Paisley Herald, on Saturday the 20th of September, 1890, reads:   "NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIOS IN GLASGOW.   On Saturday last, there was a press view of the electric…

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The Golden Age of Sauchiehall Street: March 1923 – Decoration of a Smoke-Room – Pettigrew and Stephens – Professor Maurice Greiffenhagen, R.A., Commissioned

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 27th of March, 1923, reads:   "DECORATION OF A SMOKE-ROOM   It is a matter of regret that the art of mural decoration, which offers such wide scope…

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April 1907: Glasgow Stained Glass for the Colonies – Stephen Adam Has Received an Order for Eight Windows for the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Australia

An article on page thirteen of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 19th of April , 1907, reads:   "GLASGOW STAINED GLASS FOR THE COLONIES.   An important order has been placed in the hands of Mr Stephen Adam, F.S.A.…

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The Golden Age of Sauchiehall Street: November 1914 – The Picture Salon – Coloured Postcard with View of the Tearooms

A short notice on page 45 of The Kinematograph and Lantern Weekly, on Thursday the 26th of November, 1914, reads:   "A very useful advertising idea has been hit upon by the management of the Picture Salon, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow.…

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August 1854: Photography – Miss Dessurne at Lynedoch Place

An article on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 28th of August, 1854, reads:   "Photography. - We have much pleasure in calling the attention of the public to the photographic portraits produced by Miss Dessurne, at…

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November 1897: “Glass-Staining Art” – A Lecture by Glasgow’s Mr Stephen Adam, in Leeds

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 30th of November, 1897, reports on a lecture given by Stephen Adam, in the Leeds Institute, under the auspices of the Leeds and Yorkshire Architectural Society. The speaker…

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August 1954: Death of Robert Eadie, R. S. W.

Robert Eadie, R. S. W., died "At an infirmary", on the 1st of August, 1954. The notice of his death is on the front page of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 2nd of August, and on Tuesday the 3rd.…

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April 1855: Scenery by Sam Bough, at the Olympic Theatre, Argyll Street

Some interesting information about Sam Bough is included in the "POPULAR ENTERTAINMENTS" notice, on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 9th of April, 1855. It reads:   "We must not allow this opportunity to pass without saying…

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September 1940: Death of Mr Robert Houston, R.S.W. – Well-Known Scots Artist

An obituary on page seven of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 30th of September, 1940, reads:   "WELL-KNOWN SCOTS ARTIST   MR ROBERT HOUSTON, R.S.W.   The death occurred on Saturday at Glenlogan, Kilbirnie, of Mr Robert Houston, R.S.W.,…

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May 1918: Glasgow Artists and the War – Proposed Autumn Exhibition at the Glasgow Art Club

A short article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 15th of May, 1918, reads:   "GLASGOW ARTISTS AND THE WAR   Many of the younger members of the Glasgow Art Club are on active service, and…

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April 1924: Strathbungo Art Club Exhibition, in Provand’s Lordship, Cathedral Square

An article on page thirteen of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 4th of April, 1924, reads:   "STRATHBUNGO ART CLUB   The annual exhibition of the Strathbungo Art Club, which has been opened in Provand's Lordship, Cathedral Square, Glasgow,…

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October 1911: Templeton Art Club Exhibition

A short article on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 27th of October, 1911, reads:   "TEMPLETON ART CLUB   The annual exhibition of the Templeton Art Club, at present being held in the Rooms, 135 James…

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“Greek” Thomson’s Works: a Lecture to the Provand’s Lordship Club, by Mr J. Jeffrey Waddell, on Monday the 25th

An article on page nine of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 26th of February, 1924, reads:   " 'GREEK' THOMSON'S WORKS   Mr J. Jeffrey Waddell, in a lecture to the Provand's Lordship Club in Glasgow last night on…

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Glasgow Society: October 1900 – Exhibition of Woodcarving, and Reception, in Miss Hildur Myrin’s Studio, 22 Charing Cross Mansions

An article on page 554 (page 50 in The British Newspaper Archive) of The Gentlewoman, on Saturday the 20th of October, 1900, reads:     "Exhibition of Woodcarving in Glasgow.   ON Saturday afternoon, 13th, Miss Myrin held a reception…

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March 1894: Glasgow Society of Lady Artists, including Miss Hildur Myrin

An article on page nine of The Glasgow Herald, on Saturday the 3rd of March, 1894, reads:   "SOCIETY OF LADY ARTISTS.   The annual exhibition of pictures, &c., in connection with the Society of Lady Artists will be opened…

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Glasgow Society: December 1899 – Evening Celebration, Following the Opening the Glasgow School of Art, Renfrew Street

Under the heading "Society in Scotland", on page 972 (page 54 in The British Newspaper Archive) of The Gentlewoman, on Saturday the 30th of December, 1899, is the following:   "Glasgow School of Art.   ON the 20th Sir James…

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May 1916: Opening of Cranston’s Picture House, Renfield Street

An article on page eight of The Stage, on Thursday the 25th of May, 1916, reads:   "CRANSTON'S PICTURE HOUSE.   Yet another picture house has been added to the many in Glasgow. The building is in Renfield Street, and…

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June 1865: George Cranston and the Crown Hotel, 54 George Square

An advertisement on the front page of The Morning Journal (Glasgow Morning Journal in The British Newspaper Archive), on Friday the 9th of June, 1865, reads:   "GEORGE CRANSTON begs to intimate that he has OPENED those excellent Premises, 54…

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December 1865: George Cranston and the Crown Hotel, 54 George Square

An advertisement on the front page of The Banffshire Journal, and General Advertiser (Banffshire Journal in The British Newspaper Archive), on Tuesday the 26th of December, 1865, reads:   "CROWN HOTEL, GLASGOW.   GEORGE CRANSTON, of the CROW HOTEL, begs…

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October 1900: Springburn Public Hall and Winter Garden – Laying of the Hall’s Foundation Stone, and the Opening of the Reid Winter Garden, on Saturday the 6th

An article on page eleven of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 8th of October, 1900, reads:   "SPRINGBURN PUBLIC HALL AND WINTER GARDEN.   The memorial-stone of the Springburn Public Hall was laid on Saturday afternoon by Lord Provost…

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March 1877: The New Public Halls – Renamed St Andrew’s Halls, in 1879

An article on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 27th of March, 1877, reads:   "THE NEW PUBLIC HALLS.   Any one who is interested in the new public halls for Glasgow may now form some idea…

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September 1898: Glasgow Corporation – Winter Garden for Springburn

An article on page three of The Daily Record, on Friday the 16th of September, 1898, includes the following:   "WINTER GARDEN FOR SPRINGBURN.   Mr. Bilsland, in moving the adoption of the Parks Committee's minutes, referred to the anonymous…

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April 1871: University Chapel and Western Infirmary

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Saturday the 22nd of April, 1871, reads:   "UNIVERSITY CHAPEL AND WESTERN INFIRMARY.   We are glad to observe the announcement that a collection is to be made in aid…

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November 1895: Mr Warneuke’s Pictures – Exhibition of Photographs in the Camera Club Rooms, Gordon Street

An article on page six of The Daily Record, on Tuesday the 19th of November, 1895, reads:   "WARNEUKE'S PICTURES.   Exhibition of Photographs in the Camera Club Rooms.   An exhibition of photographs by Mr. W. M. Warneuke, F.R.P.S.,…

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October 1921: Death of Mr Stuart Cranston – Pioneer of Tearoom Enterprise

Stuart Cranston's obituary is on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 19th of October, 1921, and reads:   "DEATH OF STUART CRANSTON   The death of Mr Stuart Cranston, pioneer of tearoom enterprise in this country and…

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April 1839: Erection of a New Club-House for The Western Club, in Glasgow – David Hamilton, Architect – Notice “To Builders”

A notice on page three of The Scotsman, on Saturday the 6th of April, 1839, reads:   "TO BUILDERS.   THE WESTERN CLUB intend, immediately after Whitsunday first, to erect a NEW CLUB-HOUSE on the West Side of Buchanan Street,…

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July 1917: Glasgow Restaurant Fire – 91 Buchanan Street

A short notice on page five of The Aberdeen Daily Journal (listed as Aberdeen Press and Journal in The British Newspaper Archive), on Thursday the 5th of July, 1917, reads:   "GLASGOW RESTAURANT FIRE. —Between £3000 and £4000 damage was…

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December 1855: Just Published – Diorama of The Pilgrim’s Progress – Glasgow Polytechnic Institution

An advertisement on page three of The Glasgow Courier, on Saturday the 29th of December, 1855, reads:   "DIORAMA OF THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. Just Published, In small 4to, handsomely bound in extra cloth gilt, gilt edges, price 17s 6d; or…

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December 1855: Scottish Exhibition, 93 Bath Street – Floral Decorations of the “Persia” are on Display

An advertisement on page three of The Glasgow Courier, on Saturday the 8th of December, 1855, reads:   "SCOTTISH EXHIBITION, 93, BATH STREET, The beautiful FLORAL DECORATIONS of the ' PERSIA' are now on View, for a short time only.…

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December 1845: Sale of Late David Hamilton’s Library, by John Keith, on the 1st and 2nd

An advertisement on page three of the Glasgow Courier, on Thursday the 20th of November, 1845, reads:   "SALE OF THE EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE LIBRARY OF BOOKS, Of the Late David Hamilton, Esq., Architect, Glasgow, INCLUDING SPLENDID WORKS IN ARCHITECTURE,…

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October 1854: The Glasgow Colosseum Art Exhibition, Jamaica Street

A short article on page four of the Greenock Advertiser, and Clyde Commercial Journal (Greenock Advertiser in The British Newspaper Archive), on Tuesday the 10th of October, 1854, reads:   "The Glasgow Colosseum Art Exhibition will be the finest in…

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November 1854: New Buildings in Glasgow – the Colosseum, Jamaica Street

An article on page four of The Glasgow Chronicle, on Wednesday the 1st of November, 1854, includes:   "... the stately building in Jamaica Street styled the 'Colosseum,' in compliance with the passion of Glasgow builders for London names, is…

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February 1918: 91 Buchanan Street – Opening of Victoria League Club

The following is on page four of The Scotsman, on Friday the 15th of February, 1918:   "Another addition to the organisations in Glasgow for the provision of comforts for overseas soldiers and sailors who may be passing through the…

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October 1917: A Victoria League Over-Seas Club for Glasgow

An article on page 557 in The Queen, The Lady's Newspaper (The Queen, page 34, in The British Newspaper Archive), on Saturday the 20th of October, 1917, reads:   "Over-seas Club for Glasgow. Following the example so admirably set by…

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July 1917: Buchanan Street Fire – £3000 Damage at Former Tea-Room, Recently Occupied by Miss Cranston

An article on page eight of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 4th of July, 1917, reads:   "BUCHANAN STREET FIRE. £3000 DAMAGE AT FORMER TEA-ROOM.   Damage estimated at about £3000 was caused by fire last night in the…

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February 1855: Rational Amusement – The Need for a Polytechnic Institution in Glasgow

An article on page 349 of The Christian Herald (page five in The British Newspaper Archive), on Saturday the 24th of February, 1855, reads:   "RATIONAL AMUSEMENT.   IT has been often said, and justly, that if you draw parties…

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February 1855: Amusement for the Working Classes – Proposed Polytechnic Institution

An article on page two of the Scottish Guardian (Scottish Guardian (Glasgow) on The British Newspaper Archive), on Tuesday the 13th of February, 1855, reads:   "AMUSEMENT FOR THE WORKING CLASSES.   The want of the means of innocent and…

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February 1908: Death of John Fergus, Noted Photographer, of Largs, After an Accident in Glasgow

An article on page eleven of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 24th of February, 1908, reads:   "A NOTED PHOTOGRAPHER.   The remains of Mr John Fergus, of Blackdale [sic], Largs, who met with an accident in Great Clyde…

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July 1878: Opening of the Grand Hotel, Charing Cross – An Account of the Building and Its Interior

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 2nd of July, 1878, reads:   "OPENING OF THE GRAND HOTEL, CHARING CROSS.   Several months ago we intimated that the Grand Hotel, Charing Cross, had been let…

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January 1859: The Queen’s Rooms, West End

An article from a "Glasgow paper" was published on page seven of The Paisley Herald and Renfrewshire Advertiser, on Saturday the 8th of January, 1859. It reads:   "THE QUEEN'S ROOMS, WEST END, GLASGOW.   Last Friday we had the…

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April 1895: Arts and Crafts Exhibition, in the Queen’s Rooms – Prizes for Photographs

A short notice, under the heading "Snap Shots", on page 201 of Photography, on Thursday the 28th of March, 1895, reads:   "Snap Shots.   In connection with the Exhibition of Arts and Crafts to be held in the Queen's…

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April 1895: Arts and Crafts Exhibition, in the Queen’s Rooms

A short notice on page 198 of The British Architect, on Friday the 22nd of March, 1895, reads:   "AN Arts and Crafts Exhibition, the proceeds of which are to go towards clearing off the debt on the Soldiers' Home…

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April 1895: Arts and Crafts Exhibition, in the Queen’s Rooms

An article on page 250 of The Woman's Signal (page ten, in The British Newspaper Archive), on Thursday the 18th of April, 1895, reads:   "A unique exhibition — yclept the Arts and Crafts — was opened on the 6th…

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Passing Venues in 2023: Queen’s Rooms, 1 La Belle Place – Now, Om Hindu Mandir

Photograph from Andor Gomme and David Walker, Architecture of Glasgow, 1968 edition.   The magnificent building which stands at the corner of La Belle Place and Clifton Street, originally was known as the Queen's Rooms. Designed by Charles Wilson (1810-63),…

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January 1876: Hardy Gillard’s Panorama, Illustrating the Pacific Railway, at the Queen’s Rooms

A short notice, on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 4th of January, 1876, reads:   "GILLARD'S PANORAMA.—Mr Hardy Gillard's panorama, illustrating the Pacific Railway, which forms one of the attractions of the holiday season, was last…

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December 1875: Hardy Gillard’s Panorama, at the Queen’s Rooms

A short notification in an article with the heading, "ENTERTAINMENTS", on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 20th of December, 1875, reads:   "Mr Hardy Gillard is to unroll his panorama of American scenery in the Queen's…

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December 1875: Hardy Gillard’s American Panorama, at the Queen’s Rooms

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 21st of December, 1875, reads:   "GILLARD'S AMERICAN PANORAMA.—Mr Hardy Gillard and his 'great' American panorama are well known in Glasgow, and the merits of the entertainment opened…

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April 1876: Edwards’ Panorama, in Albion Hall, College Street

A short article on page four of the North British Daily Mail, on Tuesday the 18th of April, 1876, reads:   "EDWARDS' PANORAMA.—A panorama, entitled 'Life and Scenes in America,' was exhibited for the first time in Glasgow last evening,…

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October 1934: Lena Pillico at the Grand Hotel – Exhibition of Unique Colour Schemes and Designs on Velvet and Silk

An advertisement on page eleven of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 2nd of October, 1934, reads:   "EXHIBITON OF UNIQUE COLOUR SCHEMES AND DESIGNS ON VELVET AND SILK By LENA PILLICO. Grand Hotel. 10-7."     Pillico (1884-1947), a…

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January 1924: “How to Conduct an Art Club” – Lecture by Mr James Huck, of Glasgow School of Art, to Members of West Cotes Higher Grade Art Club, Cambuslang

A short article, on page twelve of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 1st of February, 1924, reads:   "Mr James Huck, of the Glasgow School of Art, lecturing last night before the members of West Cotes Higher Grade Art…

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June 1915: Visit the Byzantine Hall, at John Anderson’s Royal Polytechnic, Ltd.

Detail from a postcard, showing part of the Byzantine Smoke Room.     An advertisement on page eight of the Daily Record and Mail (Daily Record in The British Newspaper Archive), on Friday the 25th of June, 1915, reads:  …

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January 1858: The Glasgow Art Union – Prize-Winners in Ireland – Paintings and Photographic Portfolios

One of the most important aspects of the Glasgow Art Union, and other picture lotteries, is that prizes, and other works of art, were widely distributed.   A short article on page two of The Waterford Chronicle, on Saturday the…

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March 1915: Proposed New Glasgow Cinema – Renfield Street – Demolition of Building – Stuart Cranston

There are times when information about developments in Glasgow can be found in the most unexpected places.   An article on page two of The Sheerness Times & General Advertiser (Sheerness Times Guardian, in The British Newspaper Archive), on Saturday the…

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June 1878: New Central Halls in Glasgow

An article on page two of The Evening Telegraph (Dundee Evening Telegraph, in The British Newspaper Archive), on Friday the 7th of June, 1878, reads:   "NEW CENTRAL HALLS IN GLASGOW. It is proposed to commence immediately the erection of…

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December 1909: Sale of Mr David Hennedy’s Collection, in the Royal Exchange Sale Rooms

David Hennedy died in August 1909, and, when a presentation portrait of him, by James Elder Christie, was exhibited in Glasgow, in March 1900, The Glasgow Herald's critic commented that he was "a sweet singer and friend of pictorial art…

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December 1909: Sale of Mr David Hennedy’s Collection, by Robert McTear and Co., in the Royal Exchange Sale Rooms, on the 16th and 17th

A large advertisement on page fifteen of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 13th of December, 1909, informed readers, and potential buyers, about the forthcoming sale of the late David Hennedy's art collection. It had been removed from his home…

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The Union Bank of Scotland, Lanarkshire House, and Two Photographs at the Mitchell Library

When I commenced my research at the Mitchell Library, in the late 1980s, I was granted permission to look through the collection of prints, drawings, and photographs of Glasgow which were not on public view. Among the varied and fascinating…

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April 1916: Byzantine Smoke-Room, at John Anderson’s Royal Polytechnic, Ltd.

Postcard showing the Byzantine Smoke Room.     A large advertisement on the front page of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 14th of April, 1916, extolled the range of goods for sale, and stated that "STRANGERS AND VISITORS TO…

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September 1998: Doors Open Day – Lanarkshire House, Ingram Street – “A Russian Doll of a Building”

        George Fairfull-Smith, August 2023.

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September 1998: Doors Open Day – Leaflet – Lanarkshire House, Ingram Street

    George Fairfull-Smith, August 2023.

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September 1898: Cranston’s New Tea Rooms – 13 Renfield Street

An article on page four of the North British Daily Mail, on Tuesday the 20th of September, 1898, reads:   "CRANSTON'S NEW TEA ROOMS.   The most experienced in travel are ever ready to admit that no city affords so…

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The Golden Age of Glasgow’s Art Trade: December 1892 – Messrs Campbell and Co., Auctioneers, The Glasgow Royal Art Gallery, 141 Sauchiehall Street

An advertisement on page five of the Glasgow Evening News (Glasgow Evening Post, in The British Newspaper Archive), on Tuesday the 13th of December, 1892, reads:     "SALES BY AUCTION. THE GLASGOW ROYAL ART GALLERY, 141 SAUCHIEHALL STREET. TO-MORROW,…

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January 1855: The Union Bank Telling Room

As mentioned elsewhere, a day-by-day search of Glasgow's newspapers and journals can provide information on so many different aspects of the city's cultural history. In the nineteenth century, numerous publications recorded details of art collectors, art sales, exhibitions and the…

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The Glasgow Art Union, or The Art Union (Art-Union) of Glasgow

The nineteenth-century art-world witnessed the establishment of a wide range of organisations which sought to encourage a taste for modern art, and enable the public to own prints, paintings, and other works of art by means of subscriptions and lottery.…

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March 1863: Cabinet and Chairmakers’ Soiree, in the Scottish Exhibition Rooms

A short article on page four of The Morning Journal (Glasgow Morning Journal, in The British Newspaper Archive), on Monday the 23rd of March, 1863, reads:   "CABINET AND CHAIRMAKERS' SOIREE.—The third annual soiree of the Cabinet and Chairmakers' Association…

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March 1863: Beautiful Engraving of Lord Palmerston, by Holl – Published by Mr William Mackenzie, Glasgow and London

A short article, on page four of The Morning Journal (Glasgow Morning Journal, in The British Newspaper Archive), on Monday the 23rd of March, 1863, reads:   "A very beautiful engraving of Lord Palmerston by Holl is published by Mr…

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August 1934: Glasgow Architect’s Death – Mr A. McInnes Gardner, L.R.I.B.A., F.R.I.A.S., Interior Designer for Liners Built on the Clyde

An article on page seven of The Scotsman, on Tuesday the 14th of August, 1934, reads:   "GLASGOW ARCHITECT'S DEATH   A Glasgow architect, who executed several notable interior designs for liners built on the Clyde, passed away at the…

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January 1851: Superior Lithographic Stones, Direct from a First-Rate Quarry on the Continent, Have Just Arrived at A. & W. Kennedy, Glassford Street

An advertisement on the front page of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 24th of January, 1851, informed lithographers and engravers that A. & W. Kennedy, Wholesale Stationers, 27 Glassford Street, had "just received, direct from a first-rate Quarry on…

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The Golden Age of Glasgow’s Art Trade: April 1961 – Auctions – Morrison, McChlery & Co. – Two Hornel Pictures Sold for £300

An article on page five of The Scotsman, on Saturday the 15th of April, 1961, reads:   "TWO HORNEL PICTURES SOLD FOR £300   Top price of £300 was paid for a pair of pictures by E. A. Hornel called…

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June 1968: Scottish Art Collection for Auction, at Morrison, McChlery & Co., in the Crown Halls, Glasgow

An article on page four of The Scotsman, on Monday the 24th of June, 1968, reads:   "Scottish art collection for auction   Pictures of particular interest to Edinburgh will be auctioned in the Crown Halls, Glasgow, on Friday by…

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April 1906: Annual Business Meeting of the Ruskin Society of Glasgow – “Turner’s Landscapes” – A Lecture by Sir John Stirling-Maxwell

A short notice on page ten of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 4th of April, 1906, reads:   "RUSKIN SOCIETY OF GLASGOW.   The annual business meeting was held in the rooms, 212 Bath Street, on Monday evening. The…

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April 1940: Death of Scots Portrait Painter – Mr James Raeburn Middleton

An obituary on page nine of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 9th of April, 1940, reads:   "SCOTS PORTRAIT PAINTER   Mr James Raeburn Middleton, the Scottish artist, whose death has taken place at the residence of his sister,…

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February 1922: Paintings by Mr J. Raeburn Middleton, in His Studio, at 132 West Regent Street

James Raeburn Middleton (1855-1940).   An article on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 14th of February, 1922, reads:   "PAINTINGS BY MR J. RAEBURN MIDDLETON   An exhibition of portraits and other paintings by Mr J.…

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The Golden Age of Glasgow’s Art Trade: June 1896 – Artists’ Pictures – Sale at Messrs. Edmiston, West Nile Street

An article on page four of The Daily Record, on Wednesday the 3rd of June, 1896, reads:   "GLASGOW ARTISTS' PICTURES.   Messrs. Edmiston, auctioneers, West Nile Street, bring to the hammer to-morrow the canvases of Mr. James Kay, one…

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The Golden Age of Glasgow’s Art Trade: October 1916 – Death of Mr Richard Edmiston, Senior, at Ibrox House

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 3rd of October, 1916, reads:   "DEATH OF MR RICHARD EDMISTON, SEN.   The death of Mr Richard Edmiston, sen., of Messrs J. and R. Edmiston, auctioneers, which…

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The Golden Age of Glasgow’s Art Trade: January 1908 – Death of John Edmiston, at Blackmount, Bishopbriggs

John Edmiston died on Monday the 13th of January, 1908. His obituary, which is on page ten of The Glasgow  Herald, on Wednesday the 15th, reads:   "THE LATE MR JOHN EDMISTON.   By the death of Mr John Edmiston,…

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The Golden Age of Glasgow’s Art Trade: April and May, 1917 – The Ramsey Art Collection – Sale at J. and R. Edmiston, West Nile Street

An article on page seven of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 26th of April, 1917, reads:   "THE RAMSEY ART COLLECTION.   The valuable collection of pictures which belonged to the late Mr Robert Ramsey (ex-Deacon-Convenor of the Trades…

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January 1922: Miss Helen S. Johnston’s Breton Sketches, in Her Studio, 79 West Regent Street, Glasgow

An article on page ten of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 31st of January, 1922, reads:   "MISS JOHNSTON'S BRETON SKETCHES   The collection of Breton sketches which Miss Helen S. Johnston is showing in her studio, 79 West…

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January 1931: Death of Glasgow Lady Artist – Miss Helen S. Johnston

An article on page eleven of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 16th of January, 1931, reads:   "DEATH OF GLASGOW LADY ARTIST   The death has taken place in Glasgow of Miss Helen S. Johnston, one of the best…

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April 1919: The Late Mr Robert Alexander Ogg – Memorial Portrait by John McGhie

A short article on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 15th of April, 1919, reads:   "THE LATE MR R. A. OGG   As a memorial of Mr Robert Alexander Ogg, who died in May of last…

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April 1926: The Scottish Socialist Art Circle – New Studio on Bath Street, Opened by the Rev. James Barr, M.P.

An article on page nine of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 12th of April, 1926, reads:   "SOCIALIST ART CIRCLE   The Scottish Socialist Art Circle, which was started some five years ago, opened its new studio in Bath…

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January 1922: “Art as a Hobby” – “Working-Class Exhibition in Glasgow” – Scottish Socialist Art Exhibition, in the Kay Public School

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 5th of January, 1922, reads:   "ART AS A HOBBY   WORKING-CLASS EXHIBITION IN GLASGOW   The Socialist movement in Glasgow has helped to cultivate a taste for…

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April 1914: Exhibition of Pottery and Jewellery at the Grand Hotel, in Glasgow – Miss Dorothy Carleton Smyth; Miss Isabel S. Wright; and Miss Olive Carleton Smyth

An article on page 639 (page 49, in The British Newspaper Archive), of The Queen, on the 4th April, 1914, reads:   "Exhibition of Pottery and Jewellery in Glasgow.   Miss Dorothy Carleton Smyth’s pottery is already well known, and…

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March 1937: Art in Various Mediums – Olive Carleton Smyth, at the McLellan Galleries

An article on page eleven of The Scotsman, on Wednesday the 17th of March, 1937, reads:   "ART IN VARIOUS MEDIUMS   The artistry of Olive Carleton Smyth in various mediums is demonstrated in an exhibition of her work which…

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March 1937: Art Exhibition in Glasgow – Pictures by Miss Olive Carleton Smyth, at the McLellan Galleries, Sauchiehall Street

An article on page thirteen of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 17th of March, 1937, reads:   "ART EXHIBITION IN GLASGOW   PICTURES BY MISS OLIVE CARLETON SMYTH   In an exhibition of art by Miss Olive Carleton Smyth,…

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April 1873: “New Discoveries in Photography” – Works Published by the Autotype Fine-Art Company, at Thomas Annan, 202 Hope Street

An article on page four of the North British Daily Mail, on Saturday the 5th of April, 1873, reads:   "NEW DISCOVERIES IN PHOTOGRAPHY.—The two great objections to the use of photography in reproducing high-class pictures—the want of permanency and…

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February 1903: Glasgow Technical College Architectural Craftsmen’s Society – “Leaded and Stained Glass Work”, a Lecture by Mr James Benson

An article on page eight of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 23rd of February, 1903, reads:   "GLASGOW TECHNICAL COLLEGE ARCHITECTURAL CRAFTSMEN'S SOCIETY.—At a meeting of this society held on Friday evening a paper was read by Mr James…

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September 1905: William Meikle & Sons, 19 Wellington Street – “The Good Samaritan” – A Memorial Window, Executed by an Entirely New Process

An advertisement on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 4th of September, 1905, reads:   "WM. MEIKLE & SONS, 19 WELLINGTON STREET, Have on View from 4th to 9th Curt., A MEMORIAL WINDOW executed by an entirely…

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September 1905: New Monkland Parish Church Memorial Window – “The Good Samaritan” – On Display at William Meikle and Sons, Wellington Street

An article on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 5th of September, 1905, reads:   "NEW MONKLAND PARISH CHURCH— MEMORIAL WINDOW.   Messrs Wm. Meikle & Sons, Wellington Street, Glasgow, are now exhibiting a memorial window which…

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April 1895: Art and Crafts Exhibition, in the Queen’s Rooms

An article on page two of the Glasgow Evening News (Glasgow Evening Post, in The British Newspaper Archive), on Friday the 5th of April, 1895, reads:   "Great things in the applied arts will be seen at the exhibition to…

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April 1895: Art and Crafts Exhibition, in the Queen’s Rooms

An article on page seven of The Dundee Advertiser, on Tuesday the 9th of April, 1895, reads:   "ARTS AND CRAFTS EXHIBITION.—An arts and crafts exhibition, having for its twofold purpose clearing off the debt on the Soldiers’ Home, Maryhill,…

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May 1867: The New Polytechnic Warehouse, Argyll (Argyle) Street

An article from The Glasgow Herald was included on the front page of the Paisley Herald and Renfrewshire Advertiser, on Saturday the 18th of May, 1867. It reads:   "THE NEW POLYTECHNIC WAREHOUSE.   The removal of Mr Anderson's well-known Polytechnic…

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July 1858: The Royal Polytechnic Warehouses, Jamaica Street

An article from a "Local Paper" is on page two of The Glasgow Courier, on Tuesday the 13th of July, 1858, and reads:   "THE ROYAL POLYTECHNIC WAREHOUSES, JAMAICA STREET.   Many who but recently were wont to resort to…

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May 1854: The Colosseum, Jamaica Street – First-Class Shops and Warehouses To Let, in This Magnificent Building

An advertisement on page two of The Commonwealth (Commonwealth (Glasgow) in The British Newspaper Archive), on Saturday the 13th of May, 1854, reads:   "THE COLOSSEUM, JAMAICA STREET.   FIRST-CLASS SHOPS AND WAREHOUSES TO LET, IN THIS MAGNIFICENT BUILDING.  …

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October 1854: Art-Exhibition in the Glasgow Colosseum, Jamaica Street

An article on page four of The Commonwealth (Commonwealth (Glasgow), in The British Newspaper Archive), on Saturday the 7th of October, 1854, reads:   "ART-EXHIBITION IN THE GLASGOW COLOSSEUM.—This approaching exhibition will, we understand, be the finest in quality and…

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The Golden Age of Glasgow’s Art Trade: October 1910 – Sale of the Late Stephen Adam’s Collection

An article on page seven of the Daily Record, on Friday the 28th of October, 1910, reads:   "PICTURE SALE.   An opportunity will be given to-day to art lovers of acquiring fine examples of the work of several well-known…

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October 1910: “A Beautiful Window” – Gifted to Dunlop Parish Church – Created by Alfred A. Webster

An article on page seven of the Daily Record, on Friday the 28th of October, 1910, reads:   "A BEAUTIFUL WINDOW.   The stained-glass window gifted by Mr. Francis Henderson to Dunlop Parish Church is a delightful compromise between the…

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August 1910: The Late Mr Stephen Adam

An obituary on page four of The Scotsman, on Thursday the 25th of August, 1910, reads:   "THE LATE MR STEPHEN ADAM.—Mr Stephen Adam, a well-known figure in art circles in Glasgow and the West of Scotland, died at his…

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April 1900: Honour to a Glasgow Artist – John Lavery

A short article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 27th of April, 1900, reads:   "HONOUR TO A GLASGOW ARTIST.—John Lavery, although now resident in London, is a Glasgow artist of distinction, who has recently devoted…

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August 1911: St David’s Ramshorn Church, Ingram Street – Memorial Window by Alf. Webster

An article on page eight of The Scotsman, on Tuesday the 8th of August, 1911, reads:   "ST DAVID'S (RAMSHORN) CHURCH, GLASGOW.—There was unveiled and dedicated on Sunday a memorial window in memory of the late Mr George Robb, of…

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August 1910: “A Distinguished Artist” – Passing of Mr. Stephen Adam

An article on page five of The Milngavie and Bearsden Herald, on Friday the 26th of August, 1910, reads:   "A DISTINGUISHED ARTIST.   PASSING OF MR. STEPHEN ADAM.   By the death of Mr. Stephen Adam, which occurred on…

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January 1952: Death of John McGhie, Glasgow Artist

The notice of the death of John McGhie is on the front page of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 16th of January, 1952. His obituary is on page three, and reads:     "GLASGOW ARTIST   Mr John McGhie,…

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March 1854: Auction of House at No. 3 Windsor Place, Sauchiehall Street, Occupied by J. T. Rochead, Architect

An advertisement on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 27th of February, 1854, informed readers that the self-contained house at 3 Windsor Place, which was occupied by J. T. Rochead, Esq., architect, would be sold by public…

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The Golden Age of Glasgow’s Art Trade: April 1924 – Auction of an Interesting Collection of Pictures, by the Late William Wells, R.B.A., at The Mart, 7 West Nile Street

An advertisement on page nineteen of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 31st of March, 1924,  informed readers about the auction, by J. and R. Edmiston, of "AN INTERESTING COLLECTION OF PICTURES By the Late WILLIAM WELLS, R.B.A."   The…

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December 1935: Sir John Lavery’s Gift to Glasgow – 120 Portrait Studies

An article on the front page of the Evening Telegraph and Post (Dundee Evening Telegraph, in The British Newspaper Archive), on Tuesday the 31st of December, 1935, reads:   "SIR JOHN LAVERY'S GIFT TO GLASGOW   120 Portrait Studies  …

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October 1899: Art Publications – Messrs Van Baerle Brothers Have Issued a Reproduction of “Still Waters”, by John MacWhirter

A notice on page two of The Scotsman, on Monday the 30th of October, 1899, reads:   "ART PUBLICATIONS.   Messrs Van Baerle Brothers, fine art dealers, West George Street, Glasgow, have issued a finely-executed reproduction of 'Still Waters,' painted…

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September 1894: Messrs Van Baerle are Publishing a Reproduction of Sir George Reid’s Portrait of the Late Sir Archibald Orr-Ewing

A notice on page four of the North British Daily Mail, on Tuesday the 25th of September, 1894, reads:   "THE LATE SIR ARCHIBALD ORR-EWING.—Messrs Van Baerle, fine-art dealers, 117 West George Street, are publishing a reproduction of the portrait…

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September 1892: Kate Greenaway’s Pictures – Exhibition at Messrs Van Baerle’s Rooms

An article on page six of the Glasgow Evening News (Glasgow Evening Post, in The British Newspaper Archive), on Wednesday the 7th of September, 1892, reads:   "KATE GREENAWAY’S PICTURES.   Exhibition at Messrs Van Baerle's Rooms.   Kate Greenaway…

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The Golden Age of Sauchiehall Street: October 1888 – Stained Glass Studio Notes – Messrs J. and W. Guthrie

An article on page four of the North British Daily Mail, on Friday the 19th of October, 1888, reads:   "STAINED GLASS STUDIO NOTES.—Messrs J. & W. Guthrie, 232 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, and 231 Oxford Street, London, have recently received…

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December 1897: Society in Scotland – Exhibition of Pictures by Mr. J. Hannan Watson

A short notice, under "Society in Scotland", on page 924 of The Gentlewoman (page 41, in The British Newspaper Archive), on Saturday the 25th of December, 1897, reads:   "Mr. J. Hannan Watson has during last week been exhibiting some…

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March 1915: “Beauty and Utility”, a Lecture by Mr Allan D. Mainds, Delivered to Members of the Glasgow Health Culture Society

A short notice on page eleven of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 11th of March, 1915, reads:   "Mr Allan D. Mainds, Glasgow School of Art, last evening delivered a lecture on 'Beauty and Utility' to the members of…

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April 1885: Death of Mr Henry Simson – A Director of the Helensburgh School of Art, and a Member the Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts Hanging Committee

An obituary on page two of The Helensburgh News, on Thursday the 16th of April, 1885, reads:   "DEATH OF MR HENRY SIMSON.   This much-respected gentleman died at his residence, The Mains, here, on Sunday evening, after an illness…

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May 1913: Lady Artists’ Club Exhibition – Loan of Work by the Late Margaret Wilson (Mrs Hamilton Mackenzie)

An article on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 5th of May, 1913, reads:   "LADY ARTISTS' CLUB EXHIBITION   A loan exhibition of pictures and decorative work by the late Margaret Wilson (Mrs Hamilton Mackenzie) was…

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May 1879: New Public Halls to be Renamed the St Andrew’s Halls

An article on page seven of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 21st of May, 1879, reads:   "NEW PUBLIC HALLS. —We understand the directors have agreed that the New Public Halls shall in future be known as the St…

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October 1880: Death of a Scenic Artist – Thomas Dudgeon

An article, originally published in The Era, is on page three of The Belfast Morning News, on Monday the 8th of November, 1880, and reads:   "DEATH OF A SCENIC ARTIST.—The death of Thomas Dudgeon, which occurred a few days…

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In Search of an Artist’s Biographical Information: Thomas Dudgeon

The search for information about the life and work of a specific artist can be relatively straightforward if they are well-known, enjoyed a successful career, left a significant body of work, an archive, letters, or anything which helps to keep…

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October 1855: Dundee School of Design – Candidates for the Vacant Mastership – Application from Thomas Dudgeon

An article on page three of the Dundee, Perth and Cupar Advertiser, on Friday the 26th of October, 1855, relates to the receipt of only two applications for the post of teacher at the School of Design, in Dundee.  …

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February 1840: Fancy Ball in the Assembly Rooms, Ingram Street, to Celebrate the Marriage of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert – Ornamental Painting by Thomas Dudgeon

An article on page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 14th of February, 1840, follows on from an account of the Festival in the Trades' Hall, Glassford Street, and opens with:   "FANCY BALL.   The festivities of…

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June 2024: Passing Venues – 520 Sauchiehall Street and 341 Renfrew Street – Proposed Redevlopment of the Site

Proposals for development of the site can be found at:   520 Sauchiehall Street - Consensus Capital Group (   and   Plans approved for new flats at historical Glasgow city centre site | Scottish Construction Now      …

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June 2024: Passing Venues – 520 Sauchiehall Street and 341 Renfrew Street – Some History of the Buildings

For anyone interested in the history of the buildings at 520 Sauchiehall and 341 Renfrew Street, plenty of details can be found at the following:   (*Buildings at Risk Register - servers being migrated to new platform, as of June…

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1894: Mr T. A. Ewing’s New Premises, Sauchiehall Street – 520 Sauchiehall Street

On page twenty-three of The London and Provincial Music Trades Review, No. 197, January 15, 1894, under "Trade in the Provinces. (By Various Travelling Correspondents)"  is the following:   "Business is still depressed in Glasgow, though there are signs of…

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February 1899: Scottish Society of Art Workers – First Exhibition at the Rooms of the Architectural Societies, 187 Pitt Street

An article on page seven of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 3rd of February, 1899, reads:   "SCOTTISH SOCIETY OF ART WORKERS.—The first exhibition of this society, whose membership embraces workers in the arts throughout Scotland, was opened last…

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November 1927: Film For Sale – “Football Daft”

An advertisement on page 55 (page 59, in The British Newspaper Archive), of The Bioscope, on Thursday the 10th of November, 1927, reads:   "FILM FOR SALE Negative and working copies, including all rights, for sale outright, of the successful…

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October 1848: John Morrison, Virginia Sale Rooms, 11 Virginia Street

On Wednesday the 11th of October, 1848, John Morrison made the following announcement on the front page of The Glasgow Chronicle:   "CARD. JOHN MORRISON, Auctioneer, Valuator, &c., respectfully intimates to the Legal Profession, Merchants, and to the Public in…

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The Golden Age of Sauchiehall Street: The Crown Halls

In March 2018, a fire ripped through the building which housed the popular Victoria's nightclub. The subsequent demolition of the 19th-century structure, removed what had been a significant part of Sauchiehall Street's cultural, social, and commercial history.   This important…

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September 1893: Mr Grosvenor Thomas Has Retired from the Firm of Thomas and Paterson, Art Dealers

A short notice in "GLASGOW ART NOTES.", on page two of the Glasgow Evening News (Glasgow Evening Post, in The British Newspaper Archive), on Friday the 29th of September, 1893, reads:   "Grosvenor Thomas, R.S.W., has retired from the firm…

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November 1849: Fine Art Sale, Morrison and Brown, Crown Sale Rooms, 11 Virginia Street

An advertisement on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 5th of November, 1849, informed readers about a "FINE ART SALE" which was to be held on Friday the 9th.   Morrison and Brown, the auctioneers at the…

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The Golden Age of Glasgow’s Art Trade: August 1867 – John and James Morrison, Crown Sale Rooms, 102 Renfield Street – Dry Stores

The header of the column of advertisements for John and James Morrison, on page seven of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 26th of August, 1867, reads:   "STOREAGE OF FURNITURE, PLATE, OR PICTURES. MESSRS. JOHN & JAMES MORRISON desire…

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The Golden Age of Glasgow’s Art Trade: July 1873 – John and James Morrison – Drystores at 52 and 98 Sauchiehall Street, and 148 St. George’s Road

An advertisement for John and James Morrison, under "Sales by Auction.", on page seven of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 21st of July, 1873, reads:   "STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, PLATE, OR PICTURES. MESSRS. JOHN & JAMES MORRISON desire the…

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The Golden Age of Glasgow’s Art Trade: November 1874 – Morrison, Dick and McCulloch – Drystores at 52 and 98 Sauchiehall Street, and 148 St. George’s Road

An advertisement for Morrison, Dick and McCulloch, under "Sales by Auction.", on page seven of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 30th of November, 1874, reads:   "STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, PLATE, OR PICTURES. MORRISON, DICK & McCULLOCH desire the attention…

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