May 1912: Annual Meeting of the Court and Alley Concerts Committee

An article on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 14th of May, 1912, reads:




The annual meeting of the Court and Alley Concerts Committee was held in the chambers

of ex-Bailie William Martin, 34 West George Street, Glasgow, yesterday. Sir William Bilsland,

Bart., presided. Mr Thomas Armstrong, hon. secretary, submitted the annual report, which

stated that 4000 concerts had been held in various districts of the city during the past season.

The committee felt that their efforts had been amply rewarded by the appreciation which the

concerts had received, and they expressed their gratitude to the ladies and gentlemen who had

given their services voluntarily. In moving the adoption of the report, Sir William Bilsland said

he did not think any community was better served in the way of musical entertainment in public

places than that of Glasgow. Mr H. E. Gillespie seconded. The report was unanimously approved.

The hon. secretary submitted the financial statement, which showed that the committee had a

balance on hand of £34. The statement was approved. The office-bearers were reappointed for

the coming season.”



George Fairfull-Smith, March 2022.