Oil Paintings by Auction, Barclay and Skirving, Sale Rooms, 164 Trongate, February 1833
- General
From the advertisement: “A Collection of MODERN PAINTINGS, consisting of – The Dutch Merry Meeting; The Broken Pitcher; Views on the Clyde, Lochfine, Lochlomond, Isle of Wight, Isle of Man, Portrait of Sir Walter Scott, &c.”
- Date
February 1833. The auction to take place on Friday the 8th of February. Sale to commence at 12 o’clock.
- Carvers and Gilders
- Printsellers
- Commercial art galleries and dealers
- Auctioneers
- Visting Art Dealers
- Venues
Barclay and Skirving Sale Rooms, 164 Trongate, Glasgow.
- Publications
- Newspaper and magazine references
Advertisement in the Glasgow Herald, Monday 4th of February 1833, page 3.