Andrew Donaldson (1790-1846) Exhibits in 1821, in the Glasgow Institution for Promoting and Encouraging the Fine Arts in the West of Scotland
- General
Andrew Donaldson exhibited two works in the 1821 exhibition:
No. 225 High Church, Glasgow, from Merchant’s Walk
No. 239 High Church of Glasgow, from the Lower walk of Merchant’s Park
The artist’s address is listed in the catalogue: Glasgow
- Date
- Glasgow Trained
- Glasgow Based
Address in 1821 exhibition catalogue, is listed as: “Glasgow”.
He is not included in the 1821 Glasgow Directory, which was “corrected till July 1821”, but is in the 1822 Directory, page 77, where he is listed as: “drawing master, 10, Queen-street”.
- Artists from other cities, exhibiting in Glasgow
- Exhibitions
Glasgow Institution for Promoting and Encouraging the Fine Arts in the West of Scotland, 1821.
- Venues
Mr. Finlay’s Gallery, 2 South Maxwell Street, Glasgow.
- Publications
Glasgow Institution for Promoting and Encouraging the Fine Arts in the West of Scotland, 1821 Exhibition Catalogue.
- Newspaper and magazine references