Alex. Molleson’s Circulating Library, Antigua-Place, Nelson-Street, May 1820
On page three of the Glasgow Herald, Friday 19th of May, 1820, is an advertisement for Alex. Molleson’s Circulating Library. Informing his friends and members of the public that his Library is now open, the advert continues:
“It contains a number of entertaining Books, selected on the principle of including those that are most amusing, and excluding any the Librarian knows to be decidedly bad. In the Library among others are Radcliffe’s Romances, Edgeworth’s Tales, the whole Novels and Tales of the Author of Waverly, Glenfell, or, McDonalds and Campbells, an Edinburgh Tale, Petrarch and Laura, by Madame Genlis; Peter’s Letters to his Kinsfolk, Spence’s Anecdotes, Glenfergus, Hogg’s Winter Evening Tales, &c, with some curious and scarce books. Occasional additions made. Terms very moderate, as may be seen at the Library. Call between 11 and 3 o’clock, or between 6 and 7 in the evening.”