The Gaelic Academy, September 1829
The Gaelic Academy is advertised in the Herald, on Friday 18th September 1829, page 3. Duncan Kennedy proposed commencing classes in the “Rudiments of that Natural, Descriptive, and Poetic Language” in his Counting-Room, at 59 Oswald Street, Glasgow, on the 1st of October. He opens the advert:
“In consequence of the Revival of the Ancient Gaelic Language through various Publications of late years, and in particular through the excellent Miscellany edited by the Revd. Dr. McLeod of Campsie, several Gentlemen have been induced to apply to me to instruct them …”
The First Class was from 7 to 9 o’clock in the morning. The Second was from 7 to 9 o’clock in the evening.
Terms were £1 1s (one guinea) per quarter – one half to be paid in advance.
Norman Macleod/MacLeod (1783-1862) was a distinguished minister of the Scottish Church, and enormously influential writer of Gaelic prose, founding and editing two of the earliest Gaelic periodicals An Teachdaire Gaelach (The Highland Messenger), 1828-32; and Cuairtear nan Gleann (The Traveller of the Glens), 1840-3.