Grand Fancy Bazaar in Aid of the Funds of the Library of the Glasgow Athenaeum, Ingram Street, on Wednesday and Thursday the 22nd and 23rd of March, 1848
An advertisement for the Bazaar is on page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 20th of March, 1848.
It was held in the Hall of the Institution, and was “Under the Especial Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen.” Admission was
one shilling, and the Bazaar was open from 12 till 5; and from 7 till 9 p. m., to “accommodate Gentlemen engaged in business.”
There is an article on the same page:
“Athenaeum – Ladies’ Bazaar. – It will be observed from our advertising columns, that the Ladies’ Bazaar, in aid of the Library
of the Athenaeum, takes place, in the Hall of the Institution, on Wednesday and Thursday next. Our readers cannot have
forgotten the eloquent terms in which Mr. Dickens urged the claims of this Bazaar. The ladies, we learn, have been exerting
themselves to the utmost, and their praiseworthy efforts are deserving of enouragement. A large quantity of work, either
for ornament or use, will be on sale, and the Dorcas table will be supplied with articles worthy of the attention of the
charitable. Not the least interesting contribution is an Album, which has been got up in the highest style of typography,
and contains original papers, written for the occasion, by De Quincy, Delta, Frances Brown, and a number of other
distinguished authors. The Hall, we understand, will be tastefully decorated, and the scene will be enlivened with music.
Of course, the greatest attraction of all will be the ladies themselves, and it is but fair to put our young men on their guard,
by reminding them that the present is Leap Year.”
A short notice on page two of the Herald, on Friday the 24th, reads:
“The Athenaeum Bazaar. – The Athenaeum Bazaar has been held during the last two days, and has resulted most
successfully. It has afforded quite a gala to a large section of our population, and has contributed at the same time
largely to the funds of the growing library of the Institution. We have not space for particulars in our present number.”
An update is provided on page two, on Monday the 27th of March:
“Athenaeum Bazaar. – We understand that the proceeds of this Bazaar amount to no less than £347. So that, after
paying all expenses, probably one thousand volumes will be added, by the praiseworthy efforts of the ladies, to the
Athenaeum library.”