Mr. James Hedderwick Junior’s Reading and Recitation Summer Classes, Commencing on Thursday the 1st of May, 1834, at the Class-Room, 266 George Street, Glasgow
There is an advertisement for Hedderwick’s Summer classes on page three of the Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 28th of April, 1834. It reads:
MR. JAMES HEDDERWICK, JUN., respectfully
announces, that his SUMMER CLASSES for Instruction
in READING and RECITATION will commence, at various
Hours, on Thursday the 1st May.
A CLASS for YOUNG LADIES will be opened from 1
till 2, P. M.
And, for the accommodation of GENTLEMEN in
BUSINESS who may be desirous of improving their
Pronunciation and Delivery, an EVENING CLASS
will be formed.
Glasgow, 16th April, 1834″
On page two of the same edition of the Herald, is a short notice:
“Our readers will observe from an advertisement in another column that our talented young townsman, Mr. Jas. Hedderwick, Jun., is about to open his Summer Classes for Elocution. Of the great and every day increasing importance of this branch of education it is unnecessary for us to speak. Of the skill of this young gentleman – himself a beautiful reciter – in imparting to his pupils a correct pronunciation and a graceful delivery, we have pleasure in stating that we have the fullest confidence.”
George Fairfull-Smith, September 2020.