April 1896: Grand Concert in Aid of the Armenian Relief Fund – in St Andrew’s Halls, on Saturday the 18th
An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 20th of April, 1896, reads:
“ARMENIAN RELIEF FUND. – On Saturday night a concert was given in the St Andrew’s Halls
in aid of the Armenian Relief Fund. The entertainment was under the patronage of the Lord
Provost and Magistrates and the members of the Relief Committee; and was presided over
by ex-Bailie Primrose. An excellent programme was presented. Dr A. L. Peace played with
exquisite skill a couple of solos on the organ; Mr Emile Berger earned cordial applause for
a pianoforte solo, a fantasie on Scotch airs; Herr Willy Benda and Madame Benda contributed
‘cello and pianoforte duets. Miss J. N. McLachlan [Jessie N. Maclachlan] and Mr Stuart Moncur
were the vocalists, and Mr Ryder and Mr Robert Buchanan the accompanists. The programme
also included a rendering of the one-act comedietta ‘Dearest Mamma’ by the Glasgow
Athenaeum Dramatic Club. The audience was not so large as should have been attracted by the
character of the entertainment and the laudable object for which it was given. On the motion of
ex-Bailie Bilsland votes of thanks were passed to the artists, who gave their services gratuitously,
to Messrs Ewing and McIntosh, by whom the arrangements were made, and to Ex-Bailie Primrose
for presiding.”
George Fairfull-Smith, November 2022.