April 1923: Glasgow Art Club – Final Ladies’ Afternoon of the Present Season
An article on page seven of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 6th of April, 1923, reads:
The final ladies’ afternoon of the present season took place yesterday in the Glasgow Art
Glasgow Club, when a highly attractive and varied programme of music was provided by
members of the British National Opera Company. Miss Gertrude Johnson, Miss Muriel
Brunskill, Messrs Tudor Davies and Andrew Shanks were the vocalists, rendering
brilliantly a number of solos, and uniting at the close of the programme in the Quartet
from ‘Rigoletto.’ Mr and Mrs Herbert Withers played a Sonata in A minor by Boellmann
for ‘cello and piano, and each was further heard in a group of solo items. Mr Leslie
Howard was the accompanist. Mr Percy Pitt and other members of the company were
also present. The concert-room of the club was quite filled by members and their friends,
and the afternoon was greatly enjoyed.”
Léon Boëllmann (1862–1897) was a French composer.
George Fairfull-Smith, August 2022.