April 1930: Royal Polytechnic, Argyle Street – “Mannequin Parades Present the Princess-Line Vogue for 1930 This Week Daily at 3.30” – Music

An illustrated advertisement for J. B. MASTERFRONT Corsetry, on page ten of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 14th of

April, 1930, informed readers that Mannequin Parades would take place on the Third Floor of the Polytechnic daily, except

Tuesday, from 3.30 to 4.30 p.m.


The advert. includes: “The new ‘Princess Line’ brings the new gowns, and with them the new Corsetry. …


“Attractive mannequins display the newest J. B. figure garment creations – an Expert Corsetiere places herself at your disposal

for fittings and advice.


“By Special Engagement, a popular Flute Soloist will render selections during the parades.


“Musical Selections will be provided throughout the parades by The ‘Caledonia’ Ladies’ Trio.”



George Fairfull-Smith, December 2022.