August 1913: Richard Daeblitz – Musical Director at La Scala, Sauchiehall Street

An article on page 1845 in The Kinematograph and Lantern Weekly (page twenty-three, in Kinematograph Weekly, in

The British Newspaper Archive), on Thursday the 28th of August, 1913, reads:


“HERR RICHARDO DAEBLITZ, musical director at La Scala, Glasgow, has just returned from a three weeks’ holiday spent

in touring Germany and has brought back with him some delightful new music at present all the rage in Berlin and Paris. On

Saturday the Scala orchestra must have been gratified with the enthusiastic reception accorded several of their selections, one

item having to be repeated several times in response to hearty encores.”



The British Newspaper Archive.



George Fairfull-Smith, June 2024.