Cathcart Musical Association, Musical Entertainment, Friday the 21st of December 1860
From page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 24th of December, 1860:
“CATHCART. – On Friday evening last, the members of Cathcart Musical Association, gave a musical entertainment in the parish school room (Mr. Carnduff’s), which was filled by a most respectable assemblage. The chair was occupied by the esteemed pastor of the parish, Rev. Dr. Smith, and the following artists assisted in the solos and duets:- Miss Florence, Mr. R. M. Walker, Mr. Fleming, and Mr. Gallie. Mr. James Pitcairn acted as conductor, and Mr. T. S. Gleadhill, composer and organist, presided at the piano-forte. The performances, on the whole, gave entire satisfaction; and the proceedings concluded with a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Smith for the admirable manner in which he had acted as chairman.”
George Fairfull-Smith, July 2020.