Children’s Summer Festival, Kibble Art Palace, May 1875
A short article in The Glasgow Herald, Monday the 31st of May 1875, page four, reads:
“CHILDREN’S SUMMER FESTIVAL. – The directors of the North-Western District Sabbath-School Union, following up the success which attended the recent festival in the City Hall, made arrangements for a similar demonstration in the Kibble Art Palace. The choir was in the meanwhile kept together, and some new hymns introduced into the programme. As the result of their efforts, the directors were able to bring forward about 800 children, who filled a large platform which had been erected at the north end of the palace. They were under the leadership of Mr R. M. Walker and the accompanyist [sic] was Herr Julius Keller. To give variety to the proceedings. Miss Boyle and Mr A. G. Crayne sang one or two pieces during the interval; but the special attraction was the singing of the children, which was really very good, delighting the immense audience which crowded the palace during the continuance of the proceedings.”