Concert at the City Poorhouse, on Tuesday the 29th of November, 1864

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 30th of November, 1864, reads:


“CONCERT AT THE CITY POORHOUSE. – Following out the practice successfully pursued in past

years, of holding periodical concerts in the City Poorhouse, the members of the Parochial Board

gave a musical entertainment there last night, at which a large number of the inmates were permitted

to be present. Mr. James Couper occupied the chair, and was supported on the platform by several of

his brethern in office. There was also a good turn-out of visitors who had been invited to witness the

proceedings. The selection of vocalists on the occasion had evidently been made with much care, and

the manner in which they each and all aquitted themselves fully justified the choice. Miss Kirk sang in

her usual acceptable style; while the Misses Mary and Jessie Simpson, whose reception was most cordial,

rendered their various songs with a considerable degree of taste and finish. The other artistes were Mr.

Duncan Smyth, Mr. Robert Fraser, and Mr. Aitken, all of whom afforded general satisfaction. At various

intervals during the evening dancing was engaged in, and altogether the concert proved very successful.

All the arrangements in connection with the entertainment were excellently designed and admirably





George Fairfull-Smith, August 2021.