December 1810: Concert at the Trades’ Hall, Glassford Street – Mr. Elouis and Mr. Henry Horn
The Glasgow Herald, Friday December the 14th 1810, page three.
An advertisement for a concert to take place on Tuesday, 18th December. Mr. Elouis was pleased to announce that he would introduce a variety of favourite music and perform some celebrated “Duetts for two Pedal Harps.” He would be accompanied by his pupil, Mr. Henry Horn who had “been confined here to his room for many weeks on account of a dangerous accident, but now is sufficiently recovered to hope for the honour of appearing for the first time on the above night, before a Scottish audience.”
Tickets were three shillings and sixpence each, and handbills were available from Messrs. J. McFadyen, J. Steven and McIntyre, music sellers.
There is a short notice about the forthcoming concert in the Herald, Monday 17th December, page three. Mr. Elouis placed “A Card” in one of the advertisement columns in the Herald, on Friday the 21st of December, to thank those who had attended the concert, and notified the public that Mr. Horn’s Benefit would take place in a few days’ time. He would perform several solos and a new duet on two harps, with Mr. Elouis.
On Monday the 24th of December, the pair advertised the Benefit would be on Friday the 28th, at the Trades’ Hall, and they would be joined by the Argyllshire Band, who would perform several favourite pieces.
John (Jean) Elouis (1758-1833) Henry Horn (born 1789)
See Keith Sanger, John Elouis, WireStrungharp
George Fairfull-Smith, January 2020.