Concert by Bankhead Junior Instruction Centre, in the Berkeley Hall, on Monday the 23rd of March, 1936

An article on page seven of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 24th of March, 1936, reads:




A very enjoyable concert and dramatic entertainment was provided in the Berkeley Hall, Glasgow,

last night by members of the Bankhead Junior Instruction Centre. The varied programme of vocal

and instrumental music and a one-act play was sustained by the lads in a manner that showed

careful training and much ability. A feature of the entertainment was the performance of several

pieces by a mouth-organ band. This is said to be the first occasion on which a Glasgow audience

has had an opportunity of hearing a combination of this description. The band comprised 26

performers. A choir rendered sea shanties and other pieces in a spirited manner, while other items

included songs, dances, and a production of ‘The Bishop’s Candlesticks,’ Norman McKinnel’s

dramatization of an incident from Victor Hugo’s ‘Les Miserables.’ The entertainment will be

repeated to-night.”