Court and Alley Concerts Committee, October 1902

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 21st of October, 1902, reads:




At the annual business meeting of this committee – Councillor William Martin presiding – the

honorary secretary, Mr James G. Borland, submitted the annual report and financial statement,

which stated that during the past summer 12 concerts in all had been given throughout the city,

every quarter of which had been visited, in some cases more than once. At nearly every one of the

concerts a member of the Town Council had presided, and these gentlemen had invariably

expressed their satisfaction with the methods and aims of the committee. The audiences at all the

concerts had been large, numbering in the aggregate probably 12,000. As a rule the area of the

courts and the overlooking windows were occupied to their fullest capacity, and as the courts

chosen were always in the poorest districts the committee had the gratification of knowing that

their endeavours to brighten the lives of the poor had been spent in the right direction. The hearty

reception given to the performers and the many requests made for repetition of concerts satisfied the

committee that their work was being appreciated. The finanical statement submitted showed that

the whole scheme for the season had cost under £10. This had been rendered possible only by the

performers and other workers giving their services without remuneration. The warmest thanks of

the committee were due to the many bands, vocalists, and other artistes, both professional and

amateur, who had so heartily supported the scheme. Special thanks were again due to Messrs

Paterson, Sons & Co. for loan of pianos at every concert, and also to Mr James Donald, of Glasgow

and London, for a substantial contribution to the funds. The report having been adopted, it was

agreed to print and circulate it. On the motion of the Chairman, the hearty thanks of the committee

were accorded to the honorary secretary for his voluntary services during the past year.”



George Fairfull-Smith, May 2022.