Court and Alley Concerts, May 1906: Inauguration of Sixth Season
An article on page ten of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 4th of May, 1906, reads:
The sixth season of these concerts was successfully inaugurated on Wednesday
evening in Greenhead Court, Bridgeton, when a capital programme was carried through.
Though the weather had been very unpromising during the day, it cleared up before
the hour for beginning the concert, and there was an attendance of over 3000 people.
The programme was sustained by the Police Band, conducted by Mr W. G. Jarvis, who
played a number of popular selections. The Mitchelson Family gave some capital
turns, including mandoline playing and Scotch, Irish, and Hungarian dancing in
costume. Songs by Madame Jessie Fraser and several part-songs by Mr Anderson’s
Choir lent a pleasing variety to the programme. The Lord Provost, in the course of a
brief address, expressed the pleasure he had in being present, and heartily commended
the committee on the success of their efforts to bring brightness and sweet sounds to
the dwellers in the courts. At an interval in the programme the Lord Provost, in name
of the committee, presented Mr James G. Borland, the late hon. secretary, with a silver-
mounted inkstand in acknowedgment of his services during the past five years. Mr John
Ferrier presided at the piano.”