Court and Alley Concerts, May 1914: Fifteenth Season Opens with a Concert in Greenhead Court, Bridgeton

An article on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 14th of May, 1914, reads:




The Glasgow Court and Alley Concerts Committee opened their fifteenth season last night

by giving a concert in Greenhead Court, Bridgeton. It was estimated that about 4000 people

were present, the majority of them being women and children. The large court was crowded,

while many people stood on the four long balconies which extend round three sides of the

court. Mr William Martin presided, and among those present were Councillor Archibald

Campbell, Mr Archibald Anderson, Mr R. F. Gardiner, and Mr J. Alfred Mitchell. The

Chairman said that these open-air concerts were part of an effort to create a spirit of

neighbourliness in the city. In this way those who had talent had an opportunity of giving

wholesome and innocent entertainment to thousands of the humbler citizens. Popular

selections were played by the St Thomas Wesleyan Mission P.S.A. Band. The vocalist was Mr

H. G. Gillespie. The Pearson Family gave an attractive exhibition of Highland dancing and a

gymnastic display was given by a combined team from the 18th Glasgow Troop Boy Scouts

and the Y.M.C.A., organised by Mr C.  (J. ? second letter illegible) Anderson, of the Tollbooth

Mission, and under the leadership of Mr William Cowie. The accompanist was Mr John




George Fairfull-Smith, March 2022.