December 1862: Juvenile Musical Festival, in the City Hall

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 29th of December, 1862, reads:


JUVENILE MUSICAL FESTIVAL. – The second of these popular gatherings, under the auspices

of the Glasgow Abstainers’ Union, was held on Saturday afternoon in the City Hall, which was

crowded to overflowing. The chair was occupied by Neil McNeill, Esq., and on the platform there were

several of the directors. In the course of the evening an address was delivered to the juveniles by

Mr. Cunningham, teacher, in which he urged upon them the necessity of being industrious, and

of cultivating amiable tempers and unselfish dispositions. The musical part of the entertainment

was supplied by Miss Helen Kirk, Madame D’Alessandri, Mr. Bain, Mr. Harry Clifton, Mr. Miller’s

Sol-fa Choir, the Abstainers’ Union Band of Hope, and the instrumental band of the Blind Asylum –

all of whom greatly pleased the assemblage.”