December 1908: Mr. James Friskin, a Young Glasgow Pianist
An article on page two of the Daily Record and Mail (Daily Record, in The British Newspaper Archive), on
Monday the 28th of December, 1908, reads:
A good deal of interest of a personal nature attached to the
performances at the popular orchestral concert in St. Andrew’s
Hall on Saturday night. Mr. James Friskin, a young Glasgow
pianist of remarkable ability, made his first appearance at these
concerts; Dr. Cowen presented once more, after an interval of
several years, his ‘Scandinavian’ symphony; and Mrs. Cowen was
the vocalist of the evening. No wonder the spacious hall was
packed in every corner. And everything went off merrily as a
marriage ball.
Mr. Friskin played the solo part in Brahms’s second concerto
for pianoforte and orchestra, in B flat, and thoroughly aroused
and maintained, until the close of the prodigious task, the
delighted enthusiasm of the audience by the brilliance of his
performance. Later he gave two or three Chopin numbers
unaccompanied, for which he was encored.”
The remainder of the article comments on Dr. Cowen’s symphony
and Mrs. Cowen’s singing.
The British Newspaper Archive.
George Fairfull-Smith, July 2024.