February 1867: Glasgow Inverness-Shire Association – First Annual Gathering, in the Merchants’ Hall, on Tuesday the 12th
An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 13th of February, 1867, reads:
“GLASGOW INVERNESS-SHIRE ASSOCIATION. — The first annual festival of the Glasgow Inverness-shire Association was held
in the Merchants’ Hall yesterday evening. The hall was crowded to excess. Mr R. H. Macdonald presided, and was accompanied on
the platform by the Rev. D. Torrie, Govan; Messrs D. Boyd, John Fraser, D. R. Munro, jun., H. Harrold, D. Macdonald, J. Ferguson,
T. H. Gray, and others. Apologies for non-ability to attend were read from Sir George McPherson Grant, Cluny McPherson, the
Solicitor-General, and Mr Merry, M.P. The Chairman, in the course of his opening remarks, said that, strange to say, this was the
first occasion on which the great county of Inverness had been represented in the commercial metropolis of Scotland by a re-union
of her children at a social gathering. This was not because they had no local recollections worth preserving, and not because their
affection was less warm for the dear ones left at home. The explanation of the seeming apathy was to be found in other circumstances;
but let vain regrets for the past give way to activity for the future, and the Glasgow Inverness- shire Association would progress and
flourish. A concert followed, in which Miss Kirk sang some of her most charming songs, Mr Maclagan (who complimented the meeting
by donning a kilt) brought down rapturous applause by his rendering of humorous Scotch ballads, and a real Highland piper delighted
his Celtic and distracted his Saxon listeners with rants, laments, and reels. An assembly wound up the proceedings.”
George Fairfull-Smith, August 2023.