February 1907: Hillhead Chamber Music Association’s Second Concert of the Season, in the Grand Hotel
An article under the heading, “GENERAL SCOTTISH NEWS”, on page twelve of The Glasgow Herald, on
Friday the 1st of March, 1907, reads:
The Hillhead Chamber Music Association gave their second concert of the season last evening
in the Grand Hotel. The programme was sustained by Mr Leonard Borwick, Mr Maurice Sons,
and Mr W. E. Whitehouse, and it was devoted to Dvorak, Bach, Schubert, and Beethoven. The
first and last named were represented respectively by the Trios in F Minor (Op. 65) and D Major
(Op. 70, No. 1). The performances of these beautiful works were of a thoroughly satisfying
character, and the audience warmly acknowledged their gratitude to the players. Mr Sons, who
had a cordial reception in remembrance of his former connection with the Scottish Orchestra,
was heard in the Grave and Fugue in A Minor from Bach’s Second Sonata, an exacting solo, in
which he played with all his accustomed skill. It was a treat to hear Mr Borwick’s playing in two
well-known Schubert Impromptus. They were rendered with exquisite touch and sympathy; no
attempt was made to make them the medium for displays of virtuosity. Mr Borwick’s playing is
always respectful.”
George Fairfull-Smith, February 2021.