February 1933: Professor W. Gillies Whittaker’s Lecture, “Art and Modern Life”, at Glasgow University

There is an article about the lecture on page sixteen of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 28th of February, 1933. The paper notes that the Professor spoke about the “influence of the cinema, the gramophone, the wireless, and the talkies on the universal spread of music within the last 30 years.”


He did not want to attack the British Broadcasting Corporation, but pointed out that “one could not shut one’s eyes to the fact that the immense amount of wireless music brought serious consequences. People were not now inclined to go to concerts; every concert society in the kingdom was suffering.”


The Professor concluded by saying that “there were signs that music was coming into its own in our schemes of education. A few years ago it was the Cinderella in studies, but now people were beginning to see it was necessary that it should form part of the education of every young person.”


Please see the entry for an advertisement for the lecture.