Fine Art Institute Lectures, October 1892: “Some Musicians and their Surroundings”, by Mr. James Aitken, with Performances by Mr. Emile Berger and Miss M. Bowie, Among Others

A notice on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 5th of October, 1892, reads:


“FINE ART INSTITUTE LECTURES.—We have now reached the last week of the interesting

series of popular lectures under the auspices of the Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts. Last

evening the lecturer was Mr James Aitken, whose subject was, ‘Some Musicians and their

Surroundings’. In the course of his lecture Mr Aitken passed in light and pleasant review the

great composers, beginning with Bach and Handel, and ending with Dvorak. The vocal illustrations

with which the lecture was specially enriched were given by Miss M. Bowie, Mr James Moir, and

a vocal quartet consisting of Messrs James Summers, David Guthrie, Allan Young, and Macphie,

Mr Emile Berger presiding at the pianoforte. The lecture and illustrations were greatly enjoyed by

a large audience.”