Gartnavel Royal Asylum Concerts, April 1865
On page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Saturday the 15th of April, 1865, is the following:
“GARTNAVEL ROYAL ASYLUM CONCERTS. – On Thursday evening, the seventh and last concert of the present season, under the auspices of the Glasgow Abstainers’ Union, was given at Gartnavel Royal Asylum to the inmates of that institution. As on former occasions, there was a numerous turn-out of visitors. The musical programme on the occasion was, as usual, a well selected and judiciously varied one, being sustained by artistes of acknowledged ability. Miss Flora McDonald and Miss Matilda Dunsmore were both present, and gave several songs in creditable style – the former with much grace and naiveté, and the latter with pleasing force and expression. The Misses Mary and Jessie Simpson were also present, and rendered a number of different pieces during the evening with a degree of taste and feeling which fully justified the flattering reception accorded to them. The other vocalists who appeared were Mr. Duncan Smyth, Mr. George Boswell, Mr. Fred. Fenton, and Mr. Aitken, all of whom were well received. In addition, however, to the performances of these ladies and gentlemen, some of the inmates likewise gave evidence of considerable vocal power. As usual, Mr. Colgan discharged the duties of pianist with efficiency and acceptance. In the course of the evening various remarks expressive of thanks, encouragement, and congratulation were made by Dr. Macintosh, the Rev. Dr. Jeffrey, Dr. Stewart, Mr. Neil McNeill, and Mr. James Airlie. On the conclusion of the concert, dancing was engaged in by visitors and inmates alike.”