Glasgow Abstainers’ Union, City Hall Concert, on Thursday the 1st of January 1903: Mr W. F. Frame, the Kay Family, and Miss Annie Campbell, from Killin, among Others

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 2nd of January, 1903, reads:


“CITY HALL CONCERT. – A lengthy and attractive programme was provided for the crowded

audience which assembled las night at the concert in the City Hall in connection with the

Glasgow Abstainers’ Union. The items were mainly national, and were contributed by a

company of very capable artistes. The honours of the evening fell to Mr W. F. Frame, who is

always a favourite with Glasgow audiences. Mr Frame met with a very hearty reception for

his songs in costume, entitled ‘The Showman,’ ‘One and Twenty,’ ‘Wee Mary Macgregor,’ and

‘The Honeymoon.’ The Kay family, a clever combination of musicians, gave musical selections;

and Miss Annie Campbell, from Killin, demonstrated her proficiency as a Highland bagpipe player.

National dances were given by the Thomson family, and Messrs J. W. Bowie and George Neil; and

Madame J. W. Craigie, the Misses Maggie Macfarlane and Marion Cameron rendered vocal selections.”