Govan Poorhouse Soiree, January 1861

From page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 7th of January, 1861:



The annual treat to the inmates of this instituion, usual at this season of the year, was given on Friday evening, in the Chapel of the Poorhouse, which was tastefully and elegantly decorated with evergreens, statues, vases, and paintings. for the occasion. The chair was occupied by Mr. Steel, as convenor of the House Committee of the Board, and on the platform we observed the Rev. J. S. Taylor, and the Rev. W. D. Henderson; Messrs. Mackie, McCulloch, Stewart, McOnie, Smith, Henderson, Renton, Craig, Cameron, Maxwell, Williamson, and other members of the committee. There were a brilliant assemblage of the friends of the directors, the seats allotted to them being well filled; the officers of the Board were also present, and whether we consider the appearance of the visitors, or the clean, happy, and comfortable looks of the inmates who filled the rest of the large chapel, the whole scene was one of the most interesting and pleasing character. The Rev. Mr. Laurie, chaplain of the institution, at the request of Mr. Steel, opened the proceedings with prayer, after which all present enjoyed a hearty tea. On these being removed, the intellectual portions of the entertainments of the evening commenced. These were of a very high class order, and whilst our space will not permit us to enter into a lenthened [sic] statement of them, we cannot refrain from referring to the fascinating singing of the Misses O’Connor and Miss Helen Kirk, to the comic singing of Mr. J. B. Walker, the homely and spirit-stirring Scottish songs of Mr. Aitken, the admirable playing of Mr. Chisholm, and the amusing stories and thrilling recitations of Mr. George Roy, which were all appreciated by those present as much as they could have been done by a more wealthy audience. Some of the inmates also took a share in the part of the programme. Excellent and instructive addresses were given by the Rev. Messrs. Taylor and Henderson, and were well received. While the mind was thus well cared for, the body was not forgotten; and various services of fruit to all, and pies to the inmates, testified the earnest desire of the directors to make all comfortable; and, after spending upwards of four hours in the most harmonious manner, the pleasant party broke up.”