Grain Millers’ Fifth Annual Soiree, in the Trades’ Hall, Glassford Street, on Friday the 18th of November, 1864
A short article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Saturday the 19th of November, 1864, reads:
“GRAIN MILLERS’ SOIREE. – Last night, the fifth annual soiree of the Operative Grain Millers took place
in the Trades’ Hall, which was quite crowded by the members of the trade and their friends. Mr. James Miller
occupied the chair, and was supported by Councillor Ure, Messrs. John McGavin, G. W. Clark, John Crawford,
William McNaughton, Hugh Aiten, and others. After tea, the Chairman delivered a short and pointed address,
in the course of which he glanced at the progress by which their trade had been marked during past years, and
made humorous reference to other matters of especial interest to his audience. An excellent concert followed,
the artistes being Mrs. Lee, Mr. Muir, and Mr. Harry Clifton, with the addition of a couple of readings by Mr.
William Moffat. Mr. Banks presided at the piano-forte.”