H. J. Lincoln’s “Lecture on Mozart” at Glasgow’s Queen’s Rooms, on Wednesday the 13th of February 1861
From page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 14th of February 1861:
“LECTURE ON MOZART. – Last night H. J. Lincoln, Esq., delivered a lecture, with vocal and instrumental illustrations, in the Queen’s Rooms, on Mozart. The hall was completely filled, and the chair was occupied by W. Euing, Esq., who briefly introduced Mr. Lincoln, who proceeded to sketch the state of music before the appearance of Mozart, and Mozart’s relation to the old styles. It was reserved for Mozart to develop a style in which symmetry of form was united with tenderness and pathos. Although he introduced some theatrical characteristics into religious music, yet he had capabilities for all that was sublime in music, as was abundantly shown towards the close of his life. If the tender and humane were elements of the sublime, there was nothing to be found equal to Mozart. Mr. Lincoln then gave a short sketch of the life of Mozart, illustrating his remarks with various selections from his works, to show the peculiarities and varieties of his style. The vocalists were Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Lunn, Mr. Lawler and Mr. Cummings. Mr. Lincoln and Herr Adolph Ries gave several pieces also upon piano-fortes. The illustrations were numerous and skilfully rendered.”
Mr. Lincoln delivered his second lecture on “The Genius and Works of Weber”, at the Queen’s Rooms, on Saturday the 16th of February at 2pm.