Herr Anton Rubinstein’s First Appearance in Glasgow: A Recital in the Queen’s Rooms, on Monday the 26th of March, 1877
On page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 26th of March, 1877, the paper commented:
“HERR ANTON RUBINSTEIN. – We need scarcely remind our musical readers that Rubinstein, the famous pianist, will to-night make his first appearance in Glasgow, when he will give a Recital in the Queen’s Rooms. The reputation of this wonder executant is so great that he is sure to draw an immense audience. Opinion is divided as to the merits of the artist, but one thing is quite clear that every lover of music ought to be present to-night and personally judge of his exceptional capabilities. For ourselves, we regard him in many respects as the greatest pianist who has been heard in this generation. The programme for to-night has evidently been fixed upon purposely to show the powerful effects Herr Rubinstein can produce on the piano.”
An advertisement on the front page of this edition of the Herald includes the musical programme.
George Fairfull-Smith, August 2020.