Hillhead Musical Association, September 1876
A short notice on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 20th of September, 1876, reads:
“HILLHEAD MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. — The musical programme for the first half of the season has now
been fixed upon. It consists of Haydn’s second mass in C, a work of great beauty; and ‘Schon Ellen [sic],’ by Max
Barch [sic]. This latter was so much admired at its first performance two seasons ago that it is now to be
repeated. In the selection of part songs, we hear that the committee have had the benefit of advice from Mr Henry
Leslie, the well-known composer, so that a successful season may be prognosticated for this the only surviving
amateur society in the West End.”
The second work to be performed, was Schön Ellen, Op. 24, by Max Bruch (1838-1920).