January 1897: Bath Street Saturday Evening Concerts – First Gaelic Concert of the Year, in the Assembly Rooms, Bath Street
An article on page two of The Oban Times and Argyllshire Advertiser, on Saturday the 9th of January, 1897, reads:
The first Gaelic concert of the year was held on Saturday evening in the Assembly Rooms, Bath Street, Glasgow, when
there was a large gathering. Mr James Grant presided, and the following gave some excellent songs:—Messrs MacArthur,
MacLean, Cameron, MacDougall, and MacSwene. Messrs Cameron and Hutton also gave several Highland dances to the
music of Mr Hector MacNeill on the bagpipes. Afterwards the whole company joined in a few Scotch reels. A very pleasant
evening was spent.”
The British Newspaper Archive.
George Fairfull-Smith, August 2023.