June 1860: Miss Augusta Thomson
An article, which includes a portrait of Augusta Thomson, is on page 620 (page four in The British Newspaper Archive) of The
Illustrated London News, on Saturday the 30th of June, 1860, and reads:
THIS talented and rising young vocalist was born in Glasgow. Having at an early age shown remarkable love and capacity for music,
and having received a musical education in her native city and in London, she went to Paris in 1856, and entered the Conservatoire,
where she studied singing under M. Révial, acknowledged to the first vocal instructor in Paris. The result of her studies and practice was
such that, at the annual concours of the students of the Conservatoire, on the 25th of July, 1858, the first prize was unanimously
awarded to her, and her success was described by all the principal Parisian journals as a deserved tribute to the talents and attainments
of the youthful aspirant. The honour of premier prix at the Conservatoire is a passport to the Académie Impériale, or Grand Opéra,
where she appeared with distinction; but, preferring to follow her profession in her own country, she came to London in the beginning
of last year, and soon afterwards made her début in England at one of the concerts of the Philharmonic Society, a début the éclat of which
was recorded by ourselves and the other musical critics of the press. A few weeks afterwards, being in Scotland, she received by telegraph
the Queen’s commands to sing at Buckingham Palace, which she did with the warm approbation of the Royal circle. Since the beginning
of the present season Miss Thomson has been actively engaged in the duties of her profession, singing at the principal concerts, constantly
rising in reputation, and beginning to take her place among the most accomplished artists of the day.”
The British Newspaper Archive.
George Fairfull-Smith, September 2023.