Let’s Not Forget William Flint Frame, Who Died in 1919
On page eight of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 31st of October, 1919, is the following:
By the death of Mr W. F. Frame, which occurred yesterday at his residence, Burnbank Gardens,
Glasgow, a well-known figure has passed from the stage and the concert hall. For the greater
part of a lifetime that extended over three-score years and ten, Mr Frame devoted himself to
the business of entertaining others. The pleasure he found in amusing audiences was not his sole
reward, but to a man of his genial temperament the satisfaction of creating mirth among untold
thousands of his countrymen must indeed have been gratifying. Mr Frame, whose real name was
William Flint, found his road to the stage through a church choir. He was born in Glasgow in
1848, and was brought up in the East-End of the city. At the age of nine he sang in the choir at
Bridgeton Parish Church, and that, he once declared, gave him ‘a zest for fame.’ From errand boy
in an Argyle Street shop he passed into the office of a grain merchant, and afterwards served an
apprenticeship in the engine shop of Messrs Campbell and Son, builders of The Bonnie Doon and
The Bonnie Clyde. During leisure hours Mr Frame developed his voice and gained experience by
singing at smoking concerts and social parties. His first engagement in a music hall was obtained
in 1867 on the stage of the old Scotia, where for £1 a week he sang three songs each night. He
became a popular ‘turn’ at the now defunct ‘free and easy’ howffs, but it was at the City Hall
Concerts that Mr Frame got into favour with the larger public. His reputation as a Scotch
comedian grew year by year with the development of music halls and the promotion of touring
concert party enterprises, in which he was a pioneer. His visits to all parts of Scotland were greatly
enjoyed. More than 30 years ago he sang with success in London. Nowhere did he give greater
pleasure than behind the lines in war time and among the wounded in hosptial. Mr Frame was ever
ready to give his services in the cause of charity. By his professional colleagues as well as by the
general public he was held in high respect. He is survived by his wife and five sons and two daughters.”
The notice of his death is on the front page of the Herald, on the 31st.
For further information about William Flint Frame, please see the entries in the Theatre section of this website.
George Fairfull-Smith, April 2022.