Madame Pasta is Coming to Glasgow
On Friday October 12th 1827, under THEATRE, The Glasgow Herald commented:
“Mr. Seymour has returned from Liverpool, where he succeeded in engaging Madame Pasta, who brings with her Madame Brombella and Signor Spagnoletti. This he has effected at the risk of eight hundred pounds, which risk, it appears, he has cheerfully run, for the honour of introducing this Phoenix, not only to Glasgow, but to Scotland. Mr. Seymour has taught us to expect much from the spirit and enterprise which he has continually displayed in catering for us; but we confess that in this instance he has gone beyond our anticipations. We are persuaded that our fellow-citizens will appreciate the confidence with which he has committed himself to their liberality, and will so support his speculation as to secure him at least from loss.”
(It should be noted that the writer misspelt the surname of Marietta Brambilla, who accompanied Pasta. From time to time, these errors occur in newspapers articles, and advertisements.)