Mr. Kennedy and Family, ” A Week of Scottish Song”, at Glasgow’s Queen’s Rooms, October 1871
An advertisement on the front page of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 25th of September 1871, informs readers that Mr. Kennedy would be giving a “Series of SIX ENTERTAINMENTS on the SONGS OF SCOTLAND,” at the Queen’s Rooms, starting on Monday the 2nd of October. Assisting him were four members of his family: Misses Helen and Marjory Kennedy, and Messrs. David and James Kennedy. The Misses Kennedy would be playing the pianoforte.
“In addition to an extensive Selection from the Standard Songs of Scotland,” every evening the programme would contain a number of the choices: “GLEES (for Five Voices) and TRIOS.”
Tickets, which cost sixpence, one shilling; and two shillings, were available from Swan and Pentland, Musicsellers, Buchanan Street.
An advertisement on the front page on Monday the second of October’s Herald has the programme for that evening’s entertainment. It includes, in the First Part: “Bonnie Prince Charlie,” “Tam Glen,” “The Macgregors’ Gathering,” and “The Flowers of the Forest.” The Second Part has Glees, a Song, and a “Laughing Trio.” The Third Part has “My Boy Tammy,” “Allister Macallister,” and concludes with “Auld Lang Syne.” There was a different programme every evening. There is a short notice about the first night in Tuesday the 3rd’s Herald, on page four.
George Fairfull-Smith, July 2020.