November 1899: “Il Trovatore” at the Lyceum Theatre, Govan

An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 17th of November, 1899, reads:



The enterprise of the management of the Lyceum Theatre, Govan, continues to be well

supported by the playgoers of the district. Last evening there was again a large audience,

when ‘Il Trovatore,’ the third of the operas embraced in the programme for the opening

week of the new suburban venture, was produced by the Carl Rosa Opera Company.

Verdi’s mellifluous work has long been popular with music-lovers, and it always finds a

place in the repertory of ‘Her Majesty’s Servants’ on their periodical visits to the city. The

opera was performed in a manner that left little to be desired, and there was unmistakable

evidence that it was much enjoyed by the large audience. For once the occupants of the

gallery showed due appreciation, there being an absence of the accompaniments which

marred the pleasure of those genuinely interested in the performances of the preceding

nights. Miss Marie Titiens was Leonora, a rôle in which she had already been seen in

Glasgow. She was in good voice, and was especially strong in the miserere scene. In the

same scene Mr William Stephens also distinguished himself, and throughout his

well-trained voice was employed with admirable effect. Vocally Miss Browning, who was

the representative of Azucena, gave a satisfactory account of the trying music of the part,

but her impersonation of the character otherwise could hardly be described as ideal. Mr

Walter Burton’s Count di Luna was another fine performance, the familiar ‘Tempest of

the Heart’ receiving adequate treatment. The other parts were in good hands, and due

attention was paid to the accessories.”



George Fairfull-Smith, April 2022.