October 1892: Complimentary Concert to Miss Jessie N. Maclachlan, on Monday the 24th, in the City Hall
An article on page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 25th of October, 1892, reads:
concert was given to Miss J. N. Maclachlan, the popular Scottish and Gaelic vocalist, who recently
sang before Her Majesty the Queen. Professor John Stuart Blackie presided, and the hall was filled
in every part, many failing to gain admission. The programme was varied and interesting. Miss J. N.
Maclachlan contributed several songs, and she was accorded a hearty reception. She possesses a
sweet, rich contralto voice, lacking, if anything, in dramatic power. ‘Auld Robin Gray’ and two Gaelic
songs were her contributions, and she sang them with fine feeling and taste. The other artistes were
great in number as well as merit, including Miss Elsie Gray, soprano; Miss H. G. Mainds and Madame
J. W. Craigie, contraltos; Miss Kate Macdonald and Miss Lizzie Mackay, Mr J. W. Bowie and Mr
William Forsyth, tenors; Mr James Fleming and Mr Gideon Duncan, basses; Mr R. V. R. Crawford,
elocutionist; Mr W. M. Murdoch, violinist; Mr Emile Berger, pianist, and Mr H. A. Lambeth, organist.
Mr Robert Buchanan, jun., was the conductor. These artistes are all popular. and succeeded in sustaining
the interest till the end. Professor John Stuart Blackie gave an address on ‘Scottish Song.’ ”
An advertisement for the concert is on the front page of the Herald, on Monday the 24th of October.
George Fairfull-Smith, April 2023.