October 1909: A Vocal Recital of the Songs of Robert Burns, by Mr Thorpe Davie, in Langside Hall, on Thursday the 28th

An advertisement for the recital is on page eight of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 25th of October, 1909.

A review is on page five of the Herald, on Friday the 29th, and reads:




Mr Thorpe Davie gave a vocal recital in Langside Hall last night, the performance consisting wholly of a selection of the

songs of Burns. Mr Davie is well known as a vocalist of admirable talent, and his cultured voice was heard to fine effect,

notably in the tender renderings of ‘Afton Water’ and ‘Bonnie Wee Thing.’ He had the assistance of his pupils, Miss Phoebe

Davie, Miss Cissy Barrie, Miss Alice Mitchell, Miss Annie Jeffrey, and Messrs Norman Mitchell and Charles Jeffrey, whose

contributions added greatly to the enjoyment of the evening. The accompaniments were played by Mr W. Wyllie Turnbull.

There was a large and appreciative audience.”



George Fairfull-Smith, November 2022.