Partick Popular Concerts: Winter Season Commenced on Wednesday the 28th of September 1864, at the Princess’ Rooms
A short notice on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 30th of September, 1864, reads:
“PARTICK POPULAR CONCERTS.—On Wednesday evening, the Partick Popular Concerts were commenced
for the winter season, in the Princess’ Rooms, in presence of a select audience. The artistes who appeared were
— Misses Rose Hersee and Julia Elton, Messrs. Inkersall, Ransford, and Foster—Mr. Colgan presiding at the
piano-forte. A well-arranged programme was gone through to the evident satisfaction of the audience, who
evinced their appreciation of the abilities of the vocalists by more than one call for repetition. The spirit that
instituted and keeps alive those concerts is one worthy of every encouragement. The concerts are intended to
be self-supporting, and any surplus funds are to be devoted to charitable purposes. In such a case, it is to be
hoped the efforts of the directors will meet with merited encouragement and support.”