Pollokshaws, December 1864: Arrangements for the Annual Concert on Behalf of the Native Aged Poor

An article on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 30th of November, 1864, reads:




We learn that arrangements are being made for the annual concert on behalf of the native aged poor,

which takes place about the middle of next month. Several artistes are already engaged, among whom

is Miss Kirk; and Mr. Baylis, of the Scotia Music Hall, has, in the kindest manner, promised to send

gratuitously two of his best singers. We have every reason to think that the concert this year will be

fully equal to that of last, which gave so much satisfaction. An agreeable variety will the reading of Mr

Harcourt Beatty Bland, who has kindly consented to come. The object of these concerts is for the benefit

of aged persons who are natives of the place; and since their commencement, eight years ago, have been

highly successful. Last year the proceeds amounted to £42, and the preceding year upwards of £30 were
