Review of a Chamber Concert in the Burgh Hall, Hillhead, Glasgow, on Monday the 11th of March, 1907
A review of the concert is below the one on the Ritter recital, on page ten of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 12th of March, 1907:
“A recital of chamber music was given last evening in the Burgh Hall, Hillhead, Glasgow. The programme was sustained by Mrs J. L. Galbraith (piano), Miss Bessie Spence (violin), Mr George Bruce (cello), and Miss Mary Dixon (vocalist). The instrumentalists were heard jointly in trios by Schmidt, Silas, and Haydn, which were rendered with fine executive skill and were very favourably received. Miss Spence in Vieuxtemp’s Rondino and Mr Bruce in solos by Popper each gave evidence of their individual accomplishments. Miss Dixon’s songs were selected from Hahn, Massenet, Nevin, Henschel, and Tosti. They were artistically rendered, and proved most acceptable.”
The advertisement on page eight of the Herald, on Monday the 11th of March, provides details of ticket prices, etc.