March 1907: Camillo Ritter’s Recital at the Queen’s Rooms, on Monday the 11th
A review of the recital is on page ten of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 12th of March, 1907:
“Mr Camillo Ritter, a Glasgow violinist, gave a recital in the Queen’s Rooms last night. Mr Ritter has a good command of his instrument, and his interpretations were for the most part marked by fine musicianly taste. He was heard to particular advantage in the last movement of Cesar Franck’s Sonato, in which he was assisted at the piano by Mr Richard Tattersall, a talented young pianist. The rendering of Bach’s ‘Ciaccona’ was also very creditable, and elicited an encore. Vocal numbers were contributed by Miss Maisie Anderson Robertson, who is the possessor of a nicely-trained voice. Her singing of ‘Hindoo Song’ (Bemberg) and ‘Temple Bells’ (Woodeforde-Finden) was much appreciated.”
The advertisement on page eight of the Herald, on Monday the 11th of March, provides details of ticket prices, etc.
George Fairfull-Smith, July 2020.