Royal Institution of Music, Glasgow, 1847
There is an advertisement for the Royal Institution of Music in The Glasgow Herald, Friday 24th September 1847, page three.
“The establishment in Glasgow of an Institution devoted exclusively to the Tuition of Music in all its Branches has long been required. From the prominent position now given to the instruction of Music in the education of the young, and the increasing patronage bestowed on the higher branches of the Art by the amateur, it may justly be said that such an Institution is demanded.
“The principal objects aimed at are to give instruction, by first-class Masters, in a manner to ensure a proper, and, when required, a finished, Musical Education, and where the duties of the Pupils will not be divided by other branches.
“Instructions will be given on the following instruments: – Piano Forte, Flute, Harp, Violin, Guitar, Cornopean, Concertina, Violoncello, English and Italian Singing.
Ladies’ hours were Nine to Three; Gentlemen’s, Four to Nine.
Prospectuses, containing Terms and List of Masters would be available on Monday the 4th of October, and could be had from Mr. Mitchison, 42 Buchanan Street, Hon. Secretary, where a book would be opened for enrolling names.