Samaritan Hospital: Mrs McFarlane’s “American Tea”, on Saturday the 7th of March 1903, at 15 Dundonald Road, Kelvinside, Glasgow
From page eight of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 9th of March, 1903:
“SAMARITAN HOSPITAL – MRS McFARLANE’S “AMERICAN TEA.” – On Saturday afternoon ex-Bailie and Mrs John McFarlane were ‘at home’ at their residence, 15 Dundonald Road, Kelvinside, to some 250 ladies and gentlemen interested in the Samaritan Hospital. Like those recently sent round by several other ladies, Mrs McFarlane’s invitation cards bore the significant phrase ‘American Tea;’ thus each guest represented a small contribution to the hospital in aid of which the ‘at home’ was given. After being received by ex-Bailie and Mrs McFarlane, guests were provided with tiny gilt-edged programmes and seats in the drawing-room, where an excellent concert was given. The performers included Misses Brash and Currie and Mr Rennie (vocalists). Mr Harold Ryder, who gave a fine rendering on the piano-forte of the Liszt Rhapsodie Hongroise (No 14) and Chopin’s ‘Berceuse;’ Miss Blair, violinist; and Miss Dodd, elocutionist. Mr D. H. Wilson acted as accompanist. Among the guests were the Lord Provost and Mrs Ure Primrose, Sir Samuel and Lady Chisholm, ex Preceptor and Miss Gray, Bailie and Mrs McInnes Shaw, Mr and Mrs Mann, Mrs and Miss Dougan, Dr Samuel M. Sloan, and others. During the afternoon tea was served downstairs, the second part of the programme afterwards been gone through.”