Saturday Evening Concerts, 9th of April, 1864, Under the Patronage of Colonel Campbell of Skipness and the Directors of the Glasgow Celtic Society, with Miss Helen Kirk, Among Others
An article on page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 12th of April, 1864, reads:
“SATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS. – The concert of Saturday evening last was under the
patronage of Colonel Campbell of Skipness and the directors of the Glasgow Celtic Society.
The programme was composed of Scottish music, readings, and Highland dancing. Miss
Kirk, as usual, sustained her prominent part in the vocalisation of the evening, and Miss M.
Smith and Messrs. Shields and Smyth also sang well. A band of reel and strathspey players,
led by Mr. James Allan, of Forfar, performed some exquisite national music, while the
brothers Forbes, of Highland dancing celebrity, appeared in Celtic costumes, and performed
their parts to the satisfaction of the audience – Mr. Donald McFedran officiating as piper. Mr.
W. W. Scott, of Falkirk, gave two humorous readings – one from ‘Mansie Waugh’ and the other
from ‘Noctes Ambrosianae’ – which were well received. The hall was well filled in every part.”
Please see the advertisement on the front page of the Herald, on Friday the 8th of April, for
more information.