Saturday Evening Concerts, October 1871: Mr. Sims Reeves
A notice on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 9th of October, 1871, reads:
“SATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS.—MR SIMS REEVES.—On Saturday night the City Hall was
once more crowded to excess, and several hundred, unable to gain admission, had to turn away.
Mr Reeves was again in superb voice, and at his very best. He created the same grand effects, and
was awarded the same enthusiastic greeting, so identified with all his appearances. His first song
was Blumenthal’s ‘Message,’ his next was that good old favourite, ‘My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose,’
which received applause so long continued as to induce him to sing, in his usual unapproachable
style, ‘My Pretty Jane.’ At the end of Dibdin’s ‘Tom Bowling’ the ovation the popular tenor
received was even more enthusiastic than that which was awarded him on the previous Saturday
evening. Such ringing, deafening cheers are but rarely heard. The audience rose en masse to give him
a parting salute, in the shape of yet more cheers, accompanied by waving of hats and handkerchiefs.
The rest of the program [sic] was well sustained by Miss Blanche Cole, who received two encores; Miss
Jessie Blair, who was honoured with one; and Mr Connell. These three artists also received much
applause during the evening.”